Chapter Six: The Dreamscape

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I gave Dipper a hug to calm him down, and then I went back over to Bill. "Hi." I said. "Hello. You're rather fond of Pinetree, huh?" Bill said. "Yeah, a little bit." Bill started laughing. "A little bit... Y/N you're very awkward." I nodded. "How much embarrassment does it take to get you to blush?" Bill asked, annoyed. "No idea. C'mon let's go inside!" I said happily. "Cipher..." Dipper whispered. I held up my hand and mouthed the word "Promise". Dipper just rolled his eyes, but nodded. I smiled and realized that a super tiny Bill was sitting on my shoulder. "What? I can make myself tiny, okay? Can you? No? Then stop asking questions." Bill said, not giving me a chance to answer. "You were the only one asking questions..." I whispered. "That's it." Bill said, jumping off of my shoulder and morphing back to his regular size. "You're coming with me into the Dreamscape." Bill said. "Y/N!" Dipper screamed, but I'd already started teleporting.

I landed in a playground, a very grey playground. "So, this is the Dreamverse. It seems... dark." I said. "It only gets darker." Bill replied. "So, why am I here?" I asked, walking around and looking at all the broken play equipment. "Oh, I don't know." Bill said. I then heard like a wind noise, and turned around to see Bill, but instead of his usual triangle form, he looked like this:

 I then heard like a wind noise, and turned around to see Bill, but instead of his usual triangle form, he looked like this:

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I smiled. "Awesome! You can turn into anything?" "Anything you want." Bill said in a seductive tone. I blushed a bit. "A victory for Bill." He said. "W-What victory?" I stuttered, not willing to admit I was blushing. "You're blushing. Just like you made me earlier." Bill said happily. "No I'm not." I said. "You are too." Bill said. "Am not." "Are too." "Am not." "Are too." "Am not." Bill stopped talking and walked closer to me. "You are." I blushed even more, for I really just wanted to kiss him. "Really? You'd be willing to kiss a poor old demon like me?" Bill asked. I blushed more, but I don't see how that happened. I was already blushing my full limit. "I read your thoughts correctly." I turned away from Bill. "God, you're so stubborn. You remind me of when I first possessed Pinetree. He just didn't want to be posessed." I just wanted to kiss him. But, I didn't want to feel, because then I'd start crying over my parents. "Sorry about your parents. But if you feel love, you've gotta take it." Bill said. "Stop reading my thoughts." I said. "And it's not love." "Alright. Fine. I'll bring you back to your world." Bill said, teleporting us back and transforming back into his triangle shape. Dipper saw me and hugged me. "Oh my god you're okay." Dipper said. "I'm alright, Pinetree." I smiled. "She wanted to kiss me." Bill inturrupted. "BILL!!!" I screamed.

(A/N Human Bill. Cute or Just No?) 

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