Friends before Lovers

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Aaliyah pov~
Me and Merlin walked inside his house, and I took a seat on the couch, while he went upstairs to sit his backpack down.

"You coming?" he asked

"Upstairs?" I questioned

"Yea, come on" he demanded.

I listened and followed behind him. We walked in his room, and it was very nice for a boy.

 We walked in his room, and it was very nice for a boy

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"Nice room, Merlin" I said nicely.

"Thanks, but why you keep calling me Merlin" he asked.

"Sorry, gonna take time to get used to ROMEO" I said rolling my eyes and smiling.

He turned the tv on and we watched Kenan and Kel.

We also talked and laughed about things at school.

(8:49 p.m.)

I was still over Merlin's, I mean Romeos, chilling and joking around.

"So you don't like watermelon" I asked.

"Nope, I never even bothered to try it"

"Next time I get some, imma make you try it"

"How you gone do that?" he smirked.

"Like this" I jumped on top of him.

I tried to force his arms onto the bed, he was to strong and just flipped me over. We looked into each others eyes and he got off of me.

"Umm it's getting kind of late" I mentioned.


Merlin Pov~
"I see you at school tomorrow" she said walking downstairs.

"Ok" I replied.

I heard the front door shut and I had to ask her one more thing. I ran outside to see if she was still out there.

"AALIYAH" I shouted.

She turned around.

"You coming over tomorrow?" I asked

She smiled and looked down.

"Sure" she answered.

I went back inside and started to think like damn, I think I like her, but imma player I can't let it be shown. I called Paul to see what he thinks.

5 minutes later

"So you think I should start dating her?" I asked

"Not right now man, it's only the 2nd or 3rd day of school, you could at least wait to 10th grade to actually talk about a relationship, get to know her better, than you know her now" he advised.

Paul give it to you straight and clear. I listen to the rest of the advice he was telling me, and the next day, I went my 1st block to sit next to her in class, she had a jersey and shorts to match, and of course the bandana.

 I listen to the rest of the advice he was telling me, and the next day, I went my 1st block to sit next to her in class, she had a jersey and shorts to match, and of course the bandana

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"Dang Liyah, you always looking fly" I smiled.

"Thanks" she returned.

The teacher came in class and started lecturing us about safe sex or whatever. My moms talked to me about this a long time ago, I know to put a rubber on, don't need kids right now. I looked over at Aaliyah and she was writing again.

"Whatcha writing?" I asked

"Stuff" she replied smirking.

I returned a smirked and continued listening to the teacher.

(Lunch 11:30 AM)

I sat with all my boys and talked about girls we like.

"So the girl name Aaliyah?" Tyrin questioned

"Yeah, don't let the word out" I told.

"So, when you gone tell her" Larenz said.

"Next Year" I answered.

"Why next year" Hakeem asked

" Paul said, I need to know her better, and y'all know Paul never wrong" I replied.

"Speaking of Paul, who you tryna catch this year" Tyrin questioned.

Paul laughed.

"Her name is Kelly" he answered.

"You talking about pretty and popular ass, Kelly?" I questioned

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"You talking about pretty and popular ass, Kelly?" I questioned

"Yea, What y'all don't think I could get her?"

"NOPE" We all said together.

"I bet $50 each, I could get her on the 3rd week of 10th grade"

"Alright Paul, you'll be turning my $50 to a 100" Tyrin said.

We all headed to our second to last class of the day, and I ready to see Aaliyah.

Aaliyah Pov~
(4:49 p.m. at Merlin's house)

Me and Merlin were watching Friday, and was laughing our asses off.

"Hey Merlin at 5:15, I have dance, so I won't be back til 9:00" I told.

I looked over at him and he had kind of a sad look on his face.

"It's ok you ain't gotta look like that" I said getting out the chair.

I moved close to him.

"You wanna hug, Merlin?" I asked

To my surprise he reached his arms out and hugged me, I hugged back and didn't even notice I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Umm... I gotta go, see you later" I said walking out.

I loved everything about that.


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