No More Pain

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Next Day of school
Aaliyah Pov~
I went and sat with the crew, I had to break the news to them, everyone was pissed off with Merlin. A few minutes later, he walked in and everyone at the table ignored him, to the point that he just walked off. I won't be able to look at him in my 4th period class, it hurts looking in his eyes.

(4th period)

I walked in class and remembered, me and Merlin sat by each other in this class, so I decided to sit in the front today.

"Aye, you a real bitch for cheating on Aaliyah" I heard someone say.

I turned around to see a lot of guys surrounding Merlin, but I'm still to hurt to help.

2:45 p.m. walking out of school
Merlin's Pov~
I walked out the building, to see at least 7 or 8 guys around my 4wheeler. I looked and seen Paul, Larenz, Tyrin, and Hakeem, but they kept walking, before I knew it, I knocked out with something hard.

3:55 p.m.

I finally came to my senses, got up and headed home, still don't know what I was hit wit, but feel like a brick. I pulled in my yard, to see my granddad's car parked, I hopped off and ran inside.

"There goes my grandson" my grandad said getting off the couch.

It's so crazy that, I gotta great bond with my grandad, but I hate his son

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It's so crazy that, I gotta great bond with my grandad, but I hate his son.

"Grandad we gotta talk"

"What happened to your face" my mom said.

"I got hit with something, after school"

"My poor baby"

"Come on grandad" I said

We walked outside on the porch and talked.

"So, you let your manhood take advantage of you?" he questioned

I dropped my head and nodded.

"And now, your friends don't want anything to do with you?" he questioned again

I nodded once again.

"My boy, your young their are gonna be mistakes, I'm not saying what you did was right, but that's the point of growing up, knowing right from wrong"

(In that James Earl Jones voice👆)

I needed to think hard, so I got on my 4wheeler and went to me and Aaliyah old hangout. When I finally made it there, I sat on the bench and reminisce about me and Aaliyah.

2 hours later
8:43 p.m.
I made back home went straight to my room and watched TV.

My grandad stayed in the guest room, I was glad he decided to stay a couple days. I eventually fell asleep from watching tv.

7:25 AM

I walked in the cafeteria, and sat at a empty table. One guy took a seat next to me.

I doubled looked at him because I thought it was me

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I doubled looked at him because I thought it was me. He gave me a head nod, I returned it.

"You that dude that cheated on that fine girl" he blurted.

I laughed in my head, this how you start a conversation.

"Yea, and I don't wanna speak on it"

"Dang, anyway my name Brandon"

Dude really being friendly, hell I need as many friends as I can get, so screw it.

"Merlin but my frien-... people call me Romeo"

(3:49 p.m.)

I was mowing the lawn, when Aaliyah walked out the door with her diary.

Aaliyah Pov~
I walked outside and wrote in my diary ignoring Merlin's whole existence, until I seen him walking into my yard. He didn't say anything to me, he just knocked on the front door, like I wasn't there. My dad answered and Merlin asked him something, and whatever it was my dad head nodded. 5 minutes later, Merlin started mowing our lawn, I hope he's not tryna get back on my dad's side.

"Grandson, what you are doing?!"

"I'm cutting the neighbor's yard!" Merlin shouted.

Merlin looked at me and I mugged him.

Merlin looked at me and I mugged him

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30 minutes later

Some dude in a car pulled up in front of Merlin's house.

"Wassup Brandon"

"Wassup Romeo"

"I didn't think you actually had a car" Merlin said.

"I didn't think you actually had a car" Merlin said

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"Man, I don't lie about nothing I got"

"Dude, this is a 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, it came out this year" Merlin shouted.

The door turned around and looked at me.

"Yea, but hold up, ain't that the girl you cheated on" Brandon said.

They both looked at me, and they also both looked alike.

I walked back in the house and decided it's time for me to move on.


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