Tough, scary and edgy. Those are only a few things people would call Nolia Ross. But in reality she is nothing of the sort. Her home life is ... bad to say the least. Her parents wish she was more like her twin brother Jackson who is smart and kind...
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It all happened in slow motion.
When Nolia called Jackson's name my body froze. We all turned just in time to see her collapse on the floor.
Without thinking I walked to her, bending down to pick her up I brushed her hair out of her face. "Don't touch her," Jackson spat. He hit my hand away and picked her up in his arms. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his keys and gave them to one of his friends. "You drive."
"Hey! I was just trying to help," I snapped.
He turned to look at me. "Yeah, I think you've helped enough," he shook his head. "As I said last night, stay away from her. Its better that way," Jackson said and walked away, Nolia's body still limp.
I stood there for a while, staring at the ground. How could I be so stupid? I should have known not to do that. But when she slapped me I lost it. No one slaps me and gets away with it, not even her.
'Well maybe you shouldn't have tried to kiss her.' my subconscious told me.
I know, I know. But I couldn't let the opportunity to piss Jackson slip throw my fingers. I breathed out, running a hand through my hair.
God, why am I like this?
A crackle of pain burst through my hand as my fist came into contact with the punching bag. It felt good. I hit it, again and again, letting all my anger out.
Hit, I'm so stupid.
Hit, what have I done?
Hit, is she going to be okay?
Hit, oh my god what did I do?
Hit, she won't forgive me.
Hit, why can't I control myself?
Hit, fuck I'm so stupid.
By the time I was done the skin on my knuckles was split and bleeding. It hurt but I didn't care, I deserved it. I sculled my water bottle as Nick walked into the training room. His brown hair was wet from the rain and his top was in his hand. He looked over at me and sighed.
"Hey," he grunted and walked to the chin-up bar. I watched him for a moment before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the room. "I heard about the girl," Nick called after me.
I stopped walking. "What?"
"The girl, she's in hospital," he said simply.
I turned to look at him. His face was set in stone, his frown made him look older than his twenty-one years. "Didn't dad teach you not to hit girls?" he lifted a brow.
"I know what I did was wrong. I didn't mean to, she slapped me and I snapped. I feel like shit about it, you have no idea how much I regret it." I ran my hands through my hair.
Nick chuckled. He fucking chuckled. Did he not understand the seriousness of the situation? I put a girl in the hospital, the bloody hospital for gods sake.
"Seems like you actually care for the girl," he stated.
I looked at him dumbfounded. "What? No I just met her," I defended.
He laughed. "Okay bro."
He went back to his workout as I stood there unsure if I should say what I was thinking. "She's going to hate me," I blurted.
He stopped what he was doing and ran his hand down his face. "Do you want her to?" he asked.
"Of course not," I said looking everywhere but at him. We never had conversations like this. We don't do the sappy, sad stuff. We hardly even talk anymore and if we do its either at the dinner table with our parents or it's about the gang. Because as my father says 'the gang comes first.'
"Okay then. Uhh-" he looked so lost. "Then go to her, apologise, if she still wants to know you after that then good. If not... oh well," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Good I'm not the only one who finds this weird.
"Is that what a gang member would do?" I asked, letting the vulnerable side I hid so well show.
"No," he said. "It's what a gang leader would do."
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Hey lovelies,
So that's chapter five done. What did you guys think? Will Wade follow Nick's advice?
Also the pic up the top is what Nick looks like.
Don't forget to Comment Vote And share
Until next time lovelies bye xx
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