Tough, scary and edgy. Those are only a few things people would call Nolia Ross. But in reality she is nothing of the sort. Her home life is ... bad to say the least. Her parents wish she was more like her twin brother Jackson who is smart and kind...
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Sitting in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs I played on my phone and waited for my friends. I smiled as a trey of food slid in front of me, "Thanks, Landon."
"Last time I checked I was a lot hotter than him," a guy laughed. It took a second for my brain to realise who it was.
I squealed and practically launched myself at him. "Conner!" He laughed and hugged me back. "What are you doing here? I thought you went to England to visit your Gran."
"I did, I got back last night," he said as we sat back down. "I went to yours to check in with Jack and he said you were at a booty call?" he picked a fry from the plate.
"It wasn't a booty call," I said as I ate a slice of pizza.
"Sure it wasn't," speak of the devil. I rolled my eyes as Jackson sat down on the other side of Conner. "Hey Nol," he said as everyone sat around the table. I ignored him.
"Nolia, hey I'm so sorry about yesterday. I don't know what I was thinking, I should have known he would have been there," Lillie said not looking at me.
I sighed and took another bite of pizza. "It's fine. I really don't care about him being there," I smiled at her. "The thing I had a problem with was when someone," I glared at Jackson, "Barged in when he wasn't needed nor wanted."
Jackson just laughed and ate a fry. "Love you too sis."
After that, the convocation went back to how it usually was. We all just sat around laughing and making fun of each other. A little while later some more of Jackson's friends joined us. It was nice.
But as usual, all good things have to come to an end.
"Hey princess," Wade said from behind me. Everyone at the table stiffened.
"Get out of here Summers," Jack growled, cutting me off.
"I wasn't talking to you jackass," Wade said as he took a slice of pizza from my tray. I slapped his hand away but he didn't care. "I was talking to Nol."
"I said get out of here," Jack cut me off again.
Wade just laughed at him. I turned in my seat to actually look at him. I smiled up at him and Rhys, who stood next to him with a bored expression. As if on cue Olivia practically bounced her way over to us.
"Hey girlie!" She said giving me hug.
"Hey guys," I said once she let go of me.
"Come join us," Olivia chirped pulling on my arm.
"Why would she want to hang out with people like you?" Lillie scoffed. Okay, who is this girl and what has she done with Lillie? She never acts like this.
"I don't know. She hangs out with people like you," Olivia let go of my arm and crossed her arms over her chest. "So either she has really poor taste in people, which I doubt, or she doesn't know the real you Holland."
The two started bickering and throwing insults at each other while everyone in the cafeteria watched. My head hurt from how loud they were being and I started to feel sick. Wade laughed at something Olivia said and looked at me as if to see if I was enjoying the show. The joy and amusement that was etched on his face changed to worry within a second.
"Nolia?" he asked crouching down to my level. "Are you okay?" he asked pushing the hair out of my face. I nodded looking at the ground. Wade rubbed my back still clearly worried.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from my sister," Jackson seethed once he noticed Wade and I. Lillie and Olivia's argument stopped abruptly and silence filled the room.
"How many times do I have to tell you, no," Wade said in a bored tone.
"Leave," Jackson gritted his teeth.
Wade snickered. "No."
Jackson got to his feet and shoved Wade away from me. "I said leave," he said standing in front of me, blocking me from Wade's view.
"No, how about you back off and let me talk to my friend?" Said Wade.
Jackson let out a bitter laugh. "Friend? Do you put your friends in hospital? Because that's what you did to her," he sneered.
"I didn't mean to," Wade said. He sounded truly hurt at Jackson's comment.
"Well that's what you did," Jack scoffed. "It's what you always do."
What's that meant to mean?
Wade took a threatening step towards jack. Conner stood up next to Jackson alongside Arthur, who had just walked in. Rhys was quick to respond by moving so he was beside Wade.
Oh no.
It was obvious what was going to happen. Not wanting to make a bigger scene I got up and walked in between them.
"Let's not do this here," I looked at Jack with pleading eyes. Turning my gaze to wade I whispered, "Please."
Wade slowly shook his head, his face still angry. I frowned and looked back at Jackson. His face was much the same as Wade's. "move out of the way Nolia," he let out a frustrated sigh.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I tried," I said moving out of the way and standing beside Olivia.
"How about you and your no good friends leave me, my family and friends, alone," Jackson stood up straighter.
Wade laughed. "How about you go screw yourself and allow me to talk to Nolia?"
"Over my dead body," Jack growled. "The last time I allowed someone I care about to be around you...well you know," Jackson laughed humorlessly.
I yawned getting bored of hearing the insults that they threw at each other. Looking around the room I rolled my eyes as everyone was watching the scene unfold. My mind wandered and I walked out of the cafeteria, done with her brother and his 'enemy's' arguing.
'I could really go for a coffee.'
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Hey, lovelies!!
I know it's been a while but so much has happened recently. From moving house to exams and all that fun stuff that comes with it I haven't been able to upload this chapter. Another big part of my lack of updating comes from writer's block, always fun to get. But anyways, here's another chapter!!! Hope you like it and don't forget to Comment Share And vote