Stanley Uris

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Above: a fun song about Stanley Uris

Myrtle's POV

I bumped into Stanley in the morning of first period. He knew Richie and Bill so it was okay Stanley asked Bill and Richie why they were avoiding him and Eddie. He was so kind to me and he kind of tried to ask me on a date but he didn't finish his sentence without running off so...Anyway I walked home with them and Richie went with Stanley to go get books for our 2nd sleepover to study. Me and Bill went to a nearby field and he asked me with a blush if I would go out with him and well I said yes. I saw Stan as we called him the next day and he along with Richie congratulated us. I was so happy I got the chance to protect him.

That nights sleepover was ok Bill was on one side of my double bed( we decided to share since space was limited, while Richie was still on the window side and Stan was next to the door. the next morning we headed to school and Stanley decided he would be practising for his Barmitzva he couldn't get it right so he put the book into his bag, . He didn't go straight to my house for another sleepover he went to the library where my step-brother was. Ben wasn't once at school that week.

Dear Pennywise

You may be fierce but I plan on telling them what is going to happen to them and you can't stop me!

As I finished this letter Bill and Richie showed up at the door yet again for you guessed it another sleepover. Stan was late for unknown reasons but he still made it. Bill stopped stuttering for an Hour then mysteriously started again. Bill kissed me on the cheek and I kissed him back ( on the cheek). Richie was really annoying because his physic's for science was all wrong, he decided we should do our science homework and he got so ridiculous that Bill had to go get some water and throw it over him. Lucky for him it was only water. 

Richie got annoyed and before we knew it we were all outside (Stan Included) having a water fight. We all had to have a shower or Bath before bed.   

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