Richie no or Bill to ill Part 3

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(*Recap* )

(Halfway 15 more chapters to go!)

So far we have introduced Myrtle who is Pennywise's daughter, one by one she meets The Members of The Loser Club and quickly falls in love with Bill they go out till Bill starts getting feelings for Beverly Marsh! Ritchie then asks Myrtle out making them perfect for each other but thats just relationships.

There was also a fight, The Bowers Gang were hurting Ben he had to try getting away from them and That lead to Patrick dying trying to find him.

They all had an encounter from Pennywise! Meanwhile Myrtle was writing to him!

Eddie, Stan, Mike, Richie, Bill, and Ben have also been looking in The Well House countless times in the last 2 days. 

(On with the story!)

Myrtle's POV

Eddie Kaspbrak got taken, everyone was looking at eachother to see who got taken. It was Richie that noticed it was Eddie after 2 minutes of freaking out! Me and Mrtle were the only ones that new where Eddie was which mad it 10 times worse.

Eddie's POV

I know I was taken but I had no idea where I was taken. It wasn't the sewers or The Well House either, it was a dark room on the high street of Derry.....I was Tied up so I could barely move. 

Beverly's POV
"Why are we here?" I asked Myrtle out of the blue while we were floating, for some reason we weren't seeing the future yet like Pennywise said we would!

Myrtle was in silent tears that were almost never seen. More to the point she didn't answer just stayed silent. 

"I knew this was going to happen and I didn't warn you! I could have saved you not end up like this unworthy and it's not like I can tell the others either." She said in a hushed voice.

Richie's POV 
Me and Bill started crying with Ben, Mike and Stanley.
We weren't getting anywhere in the Well House or in the enterance in the sewers we entered every 5 minutes (coming out to check if anyone's spying on us)., not a single person or place they could be we would only have to go deeper!

I felt like I was going to collapse we had entered the deep part of the sewers and we saw Pennywise but Myrtle was nowhere to be found just Beverly. Bill ran over to Bev as soon as we entered, Pennywise was laughing his laugh as he disapeared into the darkness.

Bill'S POV
There was a loud bang that came from behind me for some reason I was the only one that heard it of course I asked the rest but they said "no" I felt scared but I just ran away from the rest.

While they were busy looking for weapons I heard it again, I decided to follow it. It lead me to a opening in the sewers which I saw Georgie in....

Richie's POV
I looked around and counted us there should have only been 5 of us because Eddie went missing but instead I saw only 3 which mean't there was only 4 of us!

Where had Bill gone?
Did it have something to do with the sound he heard?

What ever it meant I couldn't loose Ben, Stanley or Mike!

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