Why are you here?

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"Truth or dare?" Allura asked Keith looking at him from across the circle.

Keith didn't think you could play truth or dare with just four people but Allura wanted to prove him wrong.

Shay and Shannon didn't even want to play but Allura forced them to because of Keith trying to get out of it.

"Truth" he said sluggishly, it was nearly midnight and the girls wanted everyone to stay up but Keith needed coffee to function at that point.

Allura seemed to think about what she would ask Keith and she was stumped.

Thankfully Keith hadn't told her anything about himself but she still managed to come up with a question.

"Are you really gay!?" She leaned in closer to Lance eyeing him and he jumped back in surprise staring at her.

Shay and Shannon laughed nearly falling over and choking in laughter but Shay tried to be nice and calm down but Keith didn't care he was too startled.

"What kinda question is that!" The omega screamed nearly falling to the ground as Allura kept moving closer to him adding extra pressure onto him.

"Just answer!" Keith moved back and sat up clearing his throat as he thought over his options.

But in the end Keith just ended up blushing brightly and answering the question "y-yes" he said quietly and Allura didn't really seem too bothered.

"You knew that didn't you?" He narrowed his eyes at her
"I had a pretty good idea" she smiled and crawled back to her seat and the other two just sat staring at Keith who was embarrassed.

"Shay truth or dare!" He shouted a bit too loudly trying to draw attention away from himself but failing miserably.
By one A.M everyone had left except Keith who was waiting on Shiro to arrive but he wasn't coming even though Keith had messaged him five times.

"Where the hell is he" he mumbled into his phone but Allura seemed to have heard him.

"You okay" Allura walked up to him trying to comfort him and he just nodded.

"I'll be walking home though" he put his phone into his pocket going to open the door but Allura stopped him.

"Are you sure?" Keith nodded faking a smile towards Allura and headed out the door waving goodbye to her.

He walked down the street barely being able to see in the darkness he was looking down at his phone still trying to phone Shiro but he wouldn't pick up.

The boy didn't even know where he was going at that point but he didn't care.

He felt like he was getting nowhere though at the same time he felt that he was going further away from his house.

He didn't really pay attention while they were driving over because he thought that Shiro would pick him up.

But finally Shiro had picked up the phone "Hey" his voice was deep and tired Keith thought he just woke up but he didn't really care.

"Come pick me up!" He shouted into his phone hearing that right after Shiro jumped up hitting the wall.

"Where are you?" He asked taking a few seconds to collect himself and Keith looked around before realising he was back at Alluras house which confused him.

"Outside Alluras" he talked more calmly through the phone
"I'll be there in an hour" the boy wanted to scream at him telling him to hurry up but he knew that it would only make him arrive later so he just decided to hang up.

The omega sat on the curb crossing his legs, he wanted to go back inside Alluras house but he didn't want to annoy her.

He looked through his phone waiting for Shiro to arrive not noticing or caring that his phone was on ten percent.

"Hey princess" a familiar voice said from behind his phone which made him jump up.

"Who is it!?" He screamed into the darkness barely able to see in front of him.

Lance wrapped an arm around Keith calming him down and as soon as Keith saw him he blushed a dark shade of red.

The omega crossed his arms looking down at the ground "Why are you here?"he asked trying to force back a blush.

"Allura told me you're out here" he smiled down at the omega but Keith was kind of happy that he was there anyway he didn't really care if Allura had told Lance to come get him.

"Heard you joined the cheer team"
Lance scooted closer trying to make conversation from this awkward situation.

Keith just nodded but his instincts were telling him to kiss Lance again, he missed his touch and the way his skin felt.

He still remembered their first kiss, how soft Lance's lips were just thinking about it made him blush insanely and want Lance even more.

"Why though, I mean not to be rude but you don't look like the cheerleader type" Lance scratched the back of his neck while leaning back a bit and stretching out his legs dangerously far onto the road.

Keith knew the alpha didn't like him but he had to at least try, Lance's eyes were nearly invisible but he could still see his dreamy eyes.

The omega scooted closer to Lance while trying to hold back his instincts but it was getting harder every second he looked at Lance.

"Cos I..." He wanted to be truthful but he knew that Lance would think he was creepy and probably try to avoid contact with him from then on but then again he couldn't lie to Lance.

"I wanted to get closer to you" he said somehow without stuttering but then gave an awkward smile looking away from Lance in embarrassment.

Lance touched Keith's chin which made him blush bright pink and Lance chuckled while leaning forward to Keith and sitting up, crossing his legs "That's cute~"

He whispered into Keith's ear which made him shiver but he knew that Lance was just teasing.

Keith was caught in thought and caught off guard by Lance kissing him  more deeply than last time.

He wanted to push him because he knew the kiss wasnt real but inside he wanted more, he closed his eyes letting himself melt into the kiss.

Lance slowly started to break the kiss but Keith wanted to pull him back in but before he knew it Lance had left his lips.

"That was the last time" Lance chuckled and Keith decided to laugh along though he didn't want this to be the last time be wanted so much more.

He was still staring at Lance for a few moments before noticing that Shiro had been standing there in front of his mini-van, for probably long enough to see everything.

"I can explain!" Keith shouted and shot up to standing up straight in front of his brother and pulling up Lance with him somehow.

((Hope you enjoyed this chapter I promise that the next one will probably be good like I've been saying I have something plannneed~~))

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