Kiss Me...

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"Shut up!" Keith pushed Lance who was laughing his ass off at Keith.
"You're so hot Lance~~" Lance was imitating Keith, and doing a pretty good job of it.

The boy pushed the alpha half jokingly but he was starting to piss him off, which was probably his goal.

"Why are you even talking to me?" Keith looked up at Lance furrowing his eyebrows at him.

"Cos we're like friends" The alpha shrugged looking down at Keith thinking if he should make another joke but he resisted somehow.

Keith sighed facepalming as Hunk approached the table "You got a new friend Keith" He asked looking off at Lance who was smirking down at Keith.

"I guess" Keith groaned out
"He wants yo be more than friends though" Lance made Keith blush by saying that and all he could think to do was push Lance.

"Okay well nice to meet you then"
Lance smiled over at Hunk
"Name's Lance, what's yours?" He extended a hand across the table to shake Hunks hand who gladly obliged smiling.

"Hunk" Keith didn't really like this situation but he liked being close to Lance even if he hated to admit it.

Keith looked down at the floor sighing and Lance took it as an opportunity to get closer to him.

Keith looked up and gave Lance a dirty look "What're you doing?" Keith would be lying if he said he didn't like Lance's soft touch but Hunk was right across the table.

"Lance!" Thankfully Lance scooted away from Keith as someone shouted at him.

"Who's that?" Keith asked slowly as to not stutter "That's coran, my football coach" Keith was confused upon hearing that Lance played football but it made sense on how he looked so in shape.

Coran came by to sit down next to Lance "How have you been?" He asked Lance, he seemed pretty friendly.

"Pretty good," Lance chuckled extending his arm to Keith which made him blush but upset him at the same time "How about you?"

Coran sat up straight "I'm not important, I came to ask you if you've been exercising enough!?" Coran suddenly raised his voice which made Keith jump back.
After thirty minutes of talking with Coran they had finally started heading home and Lance asked to walk Keith home and he allowed him to.

Lance had put an arm around Keith again as they walked down the road 
"You're really annoying" Keith rolled his eyes at Lance.

"You don't really think so" Lance put his face in closer to Keith who pushed him away jokingly.

Lance chuckled letting go of Keith's shoulder as they stopped outside his house.

"Well this is it, bye" the omega started heading towards his door but obviously he wasn't gonna get away that easily.

"You're not gonna invite me in?" Lance said jokingly but Keith just crossed his arms turning around to him "I don't think my brother would be okay with that"

Lance smiled down at the boy moving in closer "Why princess~?" Keith cringed at the nickname but it was obvious Lance was toying with him at this point.

"Because he's always scared of me being around alpha's..." His voice trailed off and Lance seemed to be smirking at him as he headed towards the unlocked door going inside.

"What the fuck!?" Keith swore, which he only did when he was really taken back by something.

"Nice house" Keith liked having Lance in his house but he knew Shiro would kick him out, somehow the thrill of being caught excited him though.

"Yeah, yeah just come on" He led Lance up the stairs into his room and sat on the bed next to him.

"Nice room too" Lance laid down and Keith switched on the T.V turning to whatever channel came on first and passed it to Lance.

Keith lay on his bed reading through his phone until hearing that Lance switched off the T.V.

"What're you doing" Keith asked Lance who seemed to only scooch in closer leaning towards the shorter boy.

"Didn't come here just to watch T.V.
Keith was blushing a bright red as he stared into Lance's eyes.

He wanted to kiss him so badly at that point but he had to stay strong
"Keith, I'm home" Shiro had just walked through the door and Lance retracted sitting back down.

"H-hey I have someone o-over" he didn't mean to say that but he just blurted it out.

"Can you guys come down then?" Keith grabbed Lance's arm and tried to stop blushing but it was hard considering how close he still as to Lance.

"T-this is L-Lance" Shiro gave him a dirty look and he just smiled down at him.

"Okay, he can stay if you want, but no messing around" Keith rolled his eyes at his brother "Seriously?" Keith was angry at how his brother didn't trust him much.

"You know how alphas can get" It was strange to hear this coming from another alpha but he was right.

"We'll behave" Lance seemed to have said it sarcastically as he pulled up Keith by his waist.

"What are you doing?" Keith enjoyed Lance's touch but he had to act like he didn't, he had to stay strong.

Lance laid him back on his bed closing the door and turning the T.V to the first channel he found.
Lance kept teasing and flirting throughout the night which Keith enjoyed but he was getting slightly annoyed.

Keith was getting closer to Lance without realising about every ten minutes which Lance took notice of and after a while wrapped an arm around him.

"You're desperate aren't you?" Lance smirked down at Keith who was now blushing even more.

He felt Lance lean in close to him practically breathing down his neck Lance touched Keith's chin turning his head toward him.

Lance laid a soft kiss on Keith's lips and he completely flipped accidentally pushing him a bit harder than he meant to.

"S-sorry!" He shouted a bit too loudly probably disturbing Shiro, Lance chuckled looking up at Keith who was kneeling over him "y-you okay?"

"I'm fine~" Lance sat up crossing his legs "Wanna give it another try"
Keith wasn't ready for this he was gonna say no but Lance leaned in kissing him again slowly.

Keith blushed as red as a tomato and broke the kiss looking up at Lance
"D-dont tell anyone about this" he looked down crossing his arms.

"Sure" Lance ruffled Keith's hair chuckling to himself, they went back to watching T.V but Keith was still blushing.

((Sorry for the crappy chapter again and yes I will be apologising for every single one of these, but I'm trying to make these better, but trust me once we get to like part 7 I have some good stuff planned))

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