That Was Fun(!)

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((Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with my schedule but there will be 2 on the weekend but hopefully I will be able to make it next week.))

Lance and Keith were laying down together and the alpha had him in a warm embrace as they waited for dinner.

"It's been way over an houur" Keith groaned getting hungrier by the moment whilst Lance seemed to be fine as he chuckled at Keith's remark.

"Calm down let him take his time," Lance was looking over at Keith as he smiled "plus he's probably not used to cooking"

Lance was probably referring to the point that alphas usually didn't cook, unless it was frozen pizza or something but it was usually omegas in the kitchen.

"I'll give him half an hour at least" Keith said eyeing the door and Lance chuckled leaning in towards the omega breathing down his neck as he spoke making him blush.

"Half an hour is a lot of time" Lance whispered as he moved his head around kissing the omega on the lips taking in his scent as he brushed his hands over his hips.

"T-That's true" he managed to stutter out taken back by Lance's lustful scent.

Lance kissed him again pulling the omega in closer making him moan into the kiss.

"W-we have to be quick, I know he has to be nearly done" Keith half mumbled the last few words and Lance just chuckled gripping at the omegas hips.

"Sure" he said lowly placing a kiss on the others lips and he slowly moved his hands down the omegas hips.

Lance deepened the kiss as he placed his hand on Keith's crotch teasing him and making him moan.

"Lannce~" he broke the kiss looking into the alphas eyes as he moaned out his name.

"Do you-" he was cut off by Shiro shouting from downstairs.
"Dinners ready!" Lance chuckled stroking Keith's cheek.

"We'll continue later~" Lance purred pulling up Keith who was left blushing but still wanting Lance close to him.


They all sat down at the table and Lance looked down at the strange combination of food.

There was chicken, fish, mashed potatoes, sausage and some things he couldn't even make it.

Alone or some together he loved these foods but this combo was strange even for him.

Keith was kind of just staring across at Lance not even glancing at the food as he sunk in his chair.

"This is...interesting"Lance gulped looking over at Keith and kicking him to try and snap him out under the table which seemed to work for the time being.

All the food was cooked very well it was just plated weirdly "Well I mean I've never cooked before so I just threw together what looked good" he chuckled slightly.

"Well, anyway why did you invite me to dinner" Lance cleared his throat moving on from the last subject.

"Well I wanted to say sorry and just..."Shiro trailed off and just gave a confused look.

"I just wanted to say if you want to get with my brother" he took a deep breath giving Lance a sort of dirty look he didn't understand.

"It's fine" he breathed out and Keith seemed to finally be paying attention and he sort of gestures to Lance.

He slowly picked up on the omegas signals and he gripped his fork taking a bite of chicken and swallowing it down.

It tasted great considering it was made by an alpha but he knew what Keith wanted him to do, he just wanted to stall but Keith didn't seem to be having any of it.

"Lance" he growled a bit kicking him in the knee "has something to tell you" he said looking over at him and pointing to Shiro.

"Well me and Keith" he paused for a moment "we're already kind of together" he rubbed the back of his neck waiting for Shiro's expression to change.

He just took another deep breath and stood up walking over to Keith and grabbing him by the elbow.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked not too loudly but he wasn't scared to cause a scene.

Lance sort of just watched as Keith was dragged into the next room by his brother.


"How long has this been happening?" The taller male asked Keith leaning down to his level while trying to keep quiet so Lance couldn't hear from the next room.

"Just t-today, it's fine" he replied trying to stay calm but he still stuttered a bit.

"Have you guys done anything?" He asked looking at the omega who just stepped back and blushed.

Keith was realising that he and Lance's relationship was probably moving fast but he liked it.

Keith just didn't know what his brother would say if he told him the truth so the omega just lied to him.

"No, obviously it's been a day" he rolled his eyes and the brother seemed convinced at least looking over towards the door.

"Okay" Shiro said slowly and taking a step towards the door nodding towards Keith.

He just kind of shrugged and walked out to the dinner table again followed by Shiro.


"That was great!" Lance gave Shiro a thumbs up even though he only ate one bite of chicken during the entire dinner.

Keith grabbed Lance's forearm nodding towards Shiro as they stepped out of the house.

The brother still seemed a bit angry that they were together but not as much as when he saw them kiss.

Keith and Lance headed out walking towards Lance's house, it was the first time that Keith was going to enter his alphas house.

They walked along the street slowly and Lance seemed to hold Keith's shoulder pulling him closer to him, in an almost protective embrace.

"So, can I stay the night" Keith asked looking up at his alpha and nuzzling into his jacket.

"Yeah sure" he nodded kissing him on the top of the head.

"Yayyy" he said excitedly but sarcastically at the same time.

((I've noticed that I've been on the same day for about 3 parts so I'll try to move the story along a bit faster))

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