Wait.... What?!

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***Rita's P.O.V.***

3 months.

2 weeks.

5 weeks.

It's taken me 3 months, 2 weeks and 5 days to find our newest Librarian, but I've finally done it. I've finally found Megan Strucker. I watched the blonde girl running across the soccer field, keeping my eye on how the 15 year old weaved through the enemy team. The girl had a determined look in her blue eyes as she dodged one opponent, being mindful not to let the soccer ball get to far ahead of her. Megan's blonde hair was tied in a tight ponytail, keeping her hair off her sweating neck.

Out of nowhere, one female opponent slammed her body into Megan, causing the girl to fall down! Grass stains covered her hair and green and black soccer uniform as Megan flipped head over heels onto the ground! Immediately, I left the shade of the nearby tree, running towards the fallen soccer player. Megan pushed herself up from the ground, watching in surprise as the enemy team kicked the ball away from her team.

The soccer coach blew his whistle, even as I reached Megan. Kneeling beside the girl, I offered her a hand as I asked, "Are you alright?!" Hesitating, Megan took my hand and allowed me to help her up, replying, "Yeah, I'm alright...." The girl who pushed Megan ran by, calling out in an arrogant voice, "Better luck next time Meggy! Maybe you should learn not to go up against someone stronger than you!" The bully and a few of her friends ran off, laughing as they headed towards Logan Utah High School.

Megan sighed, brushing dirt off of her soccer uniform. I frowned at the bullies, jerking my head towards the girl as I asked, "Who was that?" Megan shrugged, admitting, "I'm not to sure, to be quite honest. Her name's Milly, though a lot of people call her Lady Monster. She's been picking on me since I moved here 3 years ago..... Hey, aren't you that new girl? Your names.... Pearl, right?" I faked a smile and nodded my head, "Yes ma'am, that-that is me! My name is Pearl!" Megan titled her head to the side, mumbling, "Right...."

"Listen, Miss Megan---"

"Please! Call me Megan! We're around the same age! There's no need to call me 'Miss'!"

".... Right, of course, Megan.... Listen, may I----"

"Megan, Pearl, let's go!" One girl on Megan's team ran past us, yelling. "The bell is going to ring in a minutes!" Megan nodded and called out to her teammate, "Okay! We'll be there in a sec!" Turning back to me, Megan inquired, "Yes, what's up?" "Megan," I started up again, "This is gonna sound crazy, but---" the bell started to ring, ushering the students back to the school building! Megan grabbed my arm and began dragging me along. "Listen, how about we meet up at lunch?" Megan tried to reassure me as she added, "You can tell me then what's on your mind."

"I, er, wait, ohhhh, but!----"

"Butts are for sitting!" Megan declared, spinning me around once before pushing me towards the front door, "Come on, let's go learn history!" Great, history. One of the subjects that I know a lot about. OF COURSE I'm going to have to sit in a history class.... Typical....As we weaved through the schools hallway packed full of kids, my flip phone began to ring The Pokemon theme song.... Dang it Luke!

"Excuse me," I hurried into the girls bathroom, entering an unoccupied stall. Flipping the phone open, I answered the phone call, "Hello? If this is you Luke, so help me, I will end you for making my phone sing out the Pokemon theme song!" A voice I knew all to well chuckled, "Well, next time I see Luke I will let him know your on his case...." "Jenkins?!" I asked a little to loud, cringing when a girl in another stall shushed me. In a smaller voice, I whispered, "What's going on? Is there something wrong at the Annex? I told Clyde that throwing a bar of soap in the microwave would be a bad idea...."

".... What? No, everything is fine here, for the most part," Jenkins reassured me. "How is your search for Megan? You haven't visited the Annex since you left 5 months ago...." "Actually, I found Megan today," I admitted, getting shushed by the other girl again. I shushed the girl back, before continuing, "You wouldn't believe how big this school is! I've introduced myself to Megan, but now I need to tell her what's going on....."

After yelling at Timothy to not tell Luke, Ezekiel and Cassandra how messy baby werewolves are when they eat, Jenkins told me, "You better hurry up and talk to her; I have bad news to inform you." I raised an eyebrow, sitting down on the closed toilet, "Go on..." Jenkins paused, almost as if this information pained him to reveal, "You remember Morgan Le Fay, correct?" My blood ran cold. "How can I forget about her?" I revealed, "Morgan taught me everything I know about..... You know what....."

"Exuse me?!" The girl in the stall next to me called out, "I can't go to the bathroom if your on the phone!" "What is this girls problem?!" I mumbled, calling out, "And I'm in the middle of an important conversation! What don't you get about that?!" Once the girl had finally left the bathroom, I apologized, "Sorry about that; these mortal teenagers are crazy---" "Rita," Jenkins cut in. "Morgan Le Fay was spotted close to the high school you and Megan are currently sharing! It's possible that Morgan Le Fay might come to the school in search for Megan...." "Oh? Okay.... WAIT, WHAT?!?!" I let out a yell, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?!?!"

***Jenkins POV***

"Rita, R-Rita, yes, yes, I know.... No, Morgan doesn't know your there..... What? Yes, yes!.... No, no! Do NOT kidnap Megan!" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "Rita, please calm down.... No, I'm being the calm one; your freaking out.... Rita, just-just, LISTEN! Talk to Megan as soon as you possibly can, okay? Okay, yes, I'll tell the others; I'll call you once we decide our next move..... Yes, right, Goodbye Rita." I ended the phone call, shaking my head and pinching the brim of my nose. Rita sure was freaking out what about now....

Luke walked over, looking as if he was gonna puke as he asked me, "Was that Rita just a second ago?" I nodded, not looking to the young Librarian in Training, "Yes, it was.... Mr. Nicoletti, please summon everyone; there's something I need to inform them." Luke nodded, adding over his shoulder, "You should talk to Timothy; he doesn't understand why we don't know about basic werewolf growing patterns."

I sighed, "Yes, Mr. Nicoletti, I will---- EZEKIEL JONES, PUT THAT GRIFFIN DOWN!!!---- AAANNNDDD now your pinned under Rita's Griffin..... Great......"


Hi everyone! I am back with the third installment of The Librarians series, The Librarians and The Magical Shootout. What do you guys think? Are you excited that this book is finally being made? Please leave a comment below what you guys think! Thanks for reading and God bless!

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