Your Friend Is....

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***Rita's POV***

"Morgan Le Fay was spotted close to the high school you and Megan are currently sharing! It's possible that Morgan Le Fay might come to the school in search for Megan..."

"Oh? Okay... WAIT, WHAT?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!"

After History (and a really odd subject called Algebra), the schools bell rang for lunch period. I moved into the lunch line, grabbing a tray from a tray pile. As I waited in line for "food", I entered my mind palace. I walked over to the floor to ceiling bookshelf, glancing at every book to find a particular book entry. I sighed once I found the book, taking the book out and re-reading it over and over again. I was going to figure out what this.... Algebra thing is, if it's the last thing I ever do----

"Hey! Pearl! Over here!" I scoffed mentally, sitting down and leaning back in my Mind Palaces chair, "Who is Pearl---?" I jumped up, tossing the book back to the bookshelf "WAIT I'M PEARL!!!!" I exited my Mind Palace, discovering that I was at the end of the lunch line with food on my tray. Noticing Megan near the cafeterias windows, I walked over to her table and sat down. Luckily for me, no one else were sitting at our table.

Megan smiled, greeting me, "Hello Pearl! I'm sorry for calling out to you; you seemed to be in a world of your own." "It's alright" I shrugged it off with a smile of my own, "I'm use to it.... thank you for letting me meet you here." Megan nodded, looking out the window towards the soccer field, "Of course! I'm always willing to lend a helpful hand!" Megan's gaze returned to me, causing a smile to return to my face..... Why do I smell something.... Off?

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Megan asked. The blonde took a wiff of her chilled beverage (I believe humans call it a... Star-bucks, Frappuccino?) before recoling in disgust, "Dang it! The freezer isn't working again!" "Really?" I wondered, tilting my head. Megan screwed the lid back onto the glass bottle, nodding in grimace, "Yeah, our schools electricity has been acting up recently. Since most of the appliances use electricity, the food inside the freezer will go bad if the electricity isn't restored in time. But do the staff care if there feeding us spoiled beverages? Nope!" Megan shook her head, setting the Frappuccino to the side, "My apologies. Please, tell me, what's on your mind?"

I took a mental deep breath, beginning, "First of, I need to apologise. My name isn't Pearl; it's Rita." Megans raised an eyebrow, "It's ok! To be honest, when you stuttered about your name on the soccer field, I suspected you lied to me. But it's alright; please, continue!" I nodded, adding as I leaned in a bit, "I'm not a transfer student from New York, nor am I a 13 years old. I'm a thousand years old immortal, working with a prestige organization called the Library. It's my job, as a guardian, to protect the Librarians who protect this world who would otherwise use magic to destroy your way of life.... And to find new Librarians, to train and protect them from harm...."

Megan stared at me as if Dulaque was my father. Then she shrugged, "I've heard crazier." I blinked in surprise, "What? Your not.... Surprised?" Megan opened her mouth to speak, before she glanced about, almost in a fearful manner. Then Megan leaned in, whispering, "Ever since I could remember, I've had this.... Thing. This ability no one I've ever met has. I can tell when someone is telling me a lie.... Or is telling me the truth." I raised an eyebrow.

Leaning back, Megan concluded, "So, either your a master liar.... Or what you say is true." I pursed my lips together, adding, "Well, prepare yourself emotionally for what I'm about to say next...." Megan looked worried, but otherwise didn't say anything. I continued, "Do you know Terra Libby Banks?" Megan nodded profusely, "Of course! Terra's my best friend! We use to do everything together!... At least, until I moved here with my parents. Why?"

I gulped, sighing, "Megan.... Terra was a Librarian To Be... Only, the dreams for her were crushed. Terra's mentor, Dr. Livingstone, was attacked by one of the Librarians greatest foes. In an act of revenge, Terra attacked the immortal; she shouldn't have, for the immortal was too strong for her... To strong for me.... Terra was rushed to a magical hospital, but not before telling me about you. Terra knew something that no one else knew. Terra knew that she would never be a Librarian.... But she knew that you would be. Megan, your a Librarian."

I could tell Megan was in shock. Immediately, Megan began asking, "Is Terra alright? Is she alive? What do you mean, 'A enemy of the Librarians'? What does that mean???" The school bell rang right before I could say anything. Students began moving to their different class; I grabbed Megan's hand and began leading her away from the cafeteria, tossing over my shoulder, "Hold that thought."

After a couple of minutes, we managed to weave into the ladies bathroom. Much to the surprise of Megan, (and the girl who was washing her hands in the sink), I pulled Megan into a bathroom stall. As I closed and locked the door, Megan tried to move away from me "Hey, what the heck?!" I covered Megan's mouth with my hand, waiting for the girl to leave. Once the student was gone, I removed my hand from Megan's mouth, replying to her previous questions:

"Have you ever heard of Lancelot?"

"Yeah, he's part of the Authorian legends, right? A knight of some table?"

"Lancelot goes by the name of Dulaque. He's was a formal Knight of The Round Table; but he is also responsible for the fall of Camelot.... And for Terra's death."


".... Megan, we were informed 2 months ago that your friend didn't survive the treatment that would saved her life... But, as much as I want to take you to her now, I must inform you of someone else is near.... Someone worse than Dulaque."

"Worse?! How could someone be worse than this... Dylan guy?!"

"Morgan Le Fay, the other person responsible for the down fall of Camelot, the one person stronger with magic than myself.... She's here, in this very town, near this school.... And it could be quite possible, that she's after you----"

Right after I stopped talking, the lights went out! Screams could be heard down the hall, causing Megan to yell and jump into my arms. I yelped, not expecting Megan to freak out. My face was bright red from embarrassment. I could make out Megan's red cheeks as she stated, almost in a sarcastic manner, "How.... Romantic." "Oh joy" I added, causing Megan to roll her eyes before she chuckled.

"..... Rita?"

".... Yeah?"

"You don't suppose the lights going out could either be that Du-Dylan guy or Morgan Le Fay..... Right?"

"...... Well, uhhh..... Maybe....?"

"...... Oh joy!"


Well, there ya go! I'm sorry I haven't updated recently; my life has been chaotic (but in a good, loving way). I hope you guys enjoy! If any of you have any ideas for this or any of my stories, feel free to comment below! Thanks for reading and God bless! :)

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