Now We Rise

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***Megans POV***

And just like that...

Rita was trapped within a block of magical peridot...

I knelt there on the floor, my eyes wide with horror as I stared dumbfounded at Rita's defeat. "No, this can't be happening!" I croaked out, covering my mouth with my hand, "Pearl...."

A laugh flowed from the room, a laugh that sent a chill down my spine. I turned my gaze towards Morgan Le Fay, to see a cocky smile on her lips. "You should have known better than to face off against me, Rita," the witch purred, as if Rita could hear the woman's words, "You always were the foolish type, using your immortal body as a sacrificial lamb..."

A hand grabbed me by my shoulder and forced me to move backwards. Jenkins forced me behind him, as he and his father pulled out swords and aimed them at the witch. Morgan Le Fay took note of this, turning towards them as she smirked "Oh my, I see we're having a bit of family drama. Hand her over, Lancelot," Morgan Le Fay held her hand out towards Dulaque, "Before my patience goes away..."

Dulaque gritted his teeth, whispering to Jenkins while keeping eye contact with Morgan, "I hate suggesting this, but your sister is probably safer at the Library right now than she is with me. Take Megan to the Library, make sure she is safe. Meanwhile I can keep her busy." My eyes widened as I hissed "I don't need protection! These innocent people do! And besides, I don't think she'll let us just walk out of here peacefully. We need a plan—-"

Morgan aimed her hand at us, a green mist swirling around her hand. Clenching her hand, Morgan sharply pulled her hand back towards herself—-

Suddenly I stumbled forward, tripping over my own feet as I moved past Jenkins and Dulaque! "MEGAN!!!" Jenkins yelled out, horror in his voice. "AAAHHH!!!" I yelled, grabbing at the now tense chain of my necklace. The peridot pendant strained against its chain, hovering in midair towards the evil witch. Thinking fast, I planted my foot firmly against a bench, before stumbling up and planting another foot on the table.

As I kept my feet planting on the edge of the table and stool, I attempted to pull the chain off over my head. Morgan Le Fay let out a cruel laugh, chiding me "Oh don't be silly Megan! That peridot necklace as been blessed by yours truly! It won't come off, not even if you tried cutting it!" Morgan Le Fay laughed again as she used magic to form a peridot wall between me and the two immortal men.

"This is BAD," I gritted my teeth, glaring at Morgan Le Fay, "I can't get this stupid necklace off! I shouldn't have worn it today, let along worn it at all! It was too good to find it lying around outside my home! Dang it! What do I do?! Come on, think!" Almost like a lightbulb, A stupid idea formed in my head. All the while resisting the pull of magic, I got both feet on the table and glared daggers towards the witch. Morgan Le Fay looked confused.

"I'm not your kid, you old hag!" I yelled out, gripping the necklaces chain with both hands, "If you want me this badly, then come and get me! I'll never forgive you for what you've done to Rita and the others, you understand me?!?" Once I grabbed the pendant in between my hand, I allowed the necklace to pull me towards her. Running alongside the intense pull of magic, I let out a scream and slammed the pendant into my bio-moms cheek, breaking the pendant and her cheekbone!

Morgan Le Fay screamed in pain as I pulled the necklace off and threw it away. I quickly backed up, tripping over my own clumsy feet and falling onto my butt. The wind got knocked out of me, but that was the least of my worries.

My mother—no, the woman who abandoned me as a baby— was making her way towards me, a strange noice coming out of her mouth. It was only until she was feet from me did I realize she was laughing and crying at the same time. "You idiot," Morgan hissed, cradling her cheekbone as she stared down at me, tears falling down her face, "Why do you keep fighting me?! I'm your mother! You should obey me!"

I made a "tsk" noice and got to my feet, backing away from the witch as she kept marching over towards me. "I should OBEY you?! Oh PLEASE! You didn't even raise me! You might be my biological mother, but you don't have any right to demand anything from me! I refuse to be your daughter! You are not my mother, and you'll never be my mother!"

Morgan Le Fay created a peridot sword, swiping it down at me! I jumped back, gasping when the tip of the sword slashed my collarbone. I backed up against the peridot wall blocking me from the others, even as Morgan Le Fay screamed with an insane gleam in her eye, "If you won't let me be your mother, then FINE! You'll be the first person I kill in this wretched school!" I held my breath and raised my arms over my head, attempting in vain to shield myself from the sword falling down on me——


There wasn't any pain....

Wait, what's going on....?

I opened my eyes and lowered my arms, gasping as I looked upon the scene that unfolded before me. Luke had turned his arm into a clay like structure, grabbing the sword before it could hurt me. "Get out of here, Megan!" Luke ordered me, tears rolling down his eyes "You need to run!"

For a moment, I was frozen in place, unable to think. This same thing has happened to me before, a long time ago....

Morgan Le Fay slapped Luke away from us, sending him flying into a table! I broke free from my trace and took off running, grabbing a loose metal rod and breaking through the cafeteria window. "Come back here, little kitten!" Morgan screeched after me,



Hey everyone. I apologize for my absence, I've been working through some important stuff in my life so I haven't been able to write anything for a while. Hopefully I'll pick things up and we can continue to enjoy writing/reading this story together. I hope you guys like this new chapter! I'll start working on the next one right away!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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