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***Ritas POV***

(((WARNING!!! BLOOD!!!!)))

Just as we turned around another corner, Megan screamed "RITA LOOK OUT!!!"

There was a flash, a wave of pain, and suddenly I found myself on the floor ten feet from where I originally stood. The spell had hit me in my side, tearing a hole into my rib cage. My bow lay next to Megan's feet, my dismembered hand still gripping the wooden weapon.

Megan covered her mouth with her hands, trembling as she stared at me with wide eyes. Then both our eyes drifted over to the spot where the spell had come from. Or, should I say, from whom the spell came from...

"Morgan Le Fay!" I hissed, wincing in pain when I attempted to get to my feet. My immortal healing factor was making quick work of the injuries, but my body was still in shock from the sudden blood loss. This was not the best time to be out of commission, especially with this witch around—-

A hand as cold as ice grabbed my chin and forced my head to look upwards. There she was, kneeling next to me, a monster in all her fury. Morgan Le Fay still looked as young and as beautiful as she once did when I was her pupil, but her eyes... Dear Lord, were her eyes always so cold? A storm was brewing underneath those sharp eyes of hers, a storm I didn't want to be apart of.

Megan took a step towards us, calling out, "Rita!—-" "Stay right where you are, little one!" Morgan held a finger out to the Librarian in Training, causing the girl to freeze in place, "I'll deal with you in a moment." With a wicked smile directed at me, Morgan Le Fay purred, "It's been a while, hasn't it?" I attempted to get up again, but Morgan placed a hand on my shoulder and forced me against the wall, "Stop struggling Rita; a student of Morgan Le Fay must always obey their teacher....."

"I am NOT your student," I hissed. I attempted to punch the witch using my free hand. The punch, like many punches before it, failed. Though my rib cage and arm were screaming at me to stop moving, I tried to squirm out of her grip. Morgan moved fast, placing her free hand over my forehead. As soon as she began drawing magic into her hand, magic began leaving me. In a last-ditch effort, I created a small ball of magic in my newly grown hand, shooting it dead center into Morgan Le Fay's chest. The witch stumbled back then got to her feet, amused. I jumped to my feet.

When my formal teacher moved back. Megan began moving again, running over to me. I grabbed Megan by her shoulder and forced her behind me, out of sight of the witch. Morgan Le Fay laughed, "Oh come now, Rita! Why must you always ruin my fun? We were just getting started, you and I! If had allowed me a few more seconds, I would have taken all of the magic out of you!" My breathing was heavy; not from my healing factor healing my injuries, but from the weird draining spell Morgan Le Fay placed over my forehead. Shoot, I can't let that happen again!

"What do you want?!" Megan called out, gripping my shoulder, "Why are you after me?!" Morgan smiled a smile which surprisingly looked genuine, "Why wouldn't I be? After all, you and I share each other's blood! What's more powerful, to a sorceress, than a bloodline?" Though Megan was already pale, her face took on a whole new level of pale as she gasped, "What?!"

When the mercenaries came from around the bend, the squad aimed their magic enhanced weapons at us. A couple of swords, one bow; heck, one guy even has a freakin ax! Morgan Le Fay moved through her men, grabbing Megan by the arm before I could so much as move. "We're going home," Morgan tried to drag Megan away, "Now!" Megan began to struggle, growling, "You're not my mother! Rita, help me!"

With quick reflexes, I kicked Morgan's back, causing the witch to stumble and loosen her grip on Megan's arm. That's all I needed. I grabbed Megan, barrelled through the mercenaries and made a mad dash for the nearest classroom! Megan grabbed my bow as we passed by it, pulling my disembodied hand off it and chucking it behind us. The hand witch slapped the mercenary with the bow.

I pushed Megan into the classroom, turning back around. Using my bow, I opened fire on the mercenaries, who scurried away to find cover. Six out of three fell; the other three retreated. Morgan Le Fay began heading my way, so I jumped into the classroom and pushed a chair in front of the doorknob. "That won't hold her for long" I stated, turning to face Megan, "Will the school be alright with us breaking a window....? Uh, why do you look terrified....?"


My mouth dropped open. Turning to my left, I gasped in shock. Dulaque stared at us as though we had come back from the dead; Dulaques minions looked confused and surprised. All but one minion had a opened duffle bag that they were opening and pulling stuff out of; the special minion already had his M4 carbine trained on me. At first, nobody spoke.





"HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!" Dulaques ordered, grabbing the special minions muzzle and pushing it down. The special minion was surprised, "But sir! These are the kids were looking for! Hadn't you told us to shoot the brunette on site?" I squinted my eyes at Dulaque, keeping my bow trained on his special minion.

The immortal nodded, "Very good, Jared. You will be a fine second in command once I'm down training you. However..." Dulaque turned his gaze back to us. I didn't understand why, but all of Dulaques attention seemed to not be on me but on Megan herself. I used my body to shield her from the immortal. "Megan is standing next to Rita." Dulaque noted, "If you fired at Rita, then there could be the off chance that you could hit Megan..."

"Wait, what?" I butted in, raising an eyebrow, "Why so worried for a child's life? Sure, you and Morgan Le Fay both seem to have an obsession over Megan, but why? Why worried on hurting her? You killed Terra, and she wasn't even meant to become a Librarian! So why.....?"

"You ask a lot of questions, ya know." a new voice suddenly said. Dulaque, Dulaques minions, Jared, Megan, and I turned to the classrooms closet door, only to see.....

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