The Enemy's Afoot!

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***No ones POV***

"You don't suppose the lights going out could either be that Du-Dylan guy or Morgan Le Fay.... right?"

"..... Well, uhhh.... maybe....?"

"..... oh joy!"

The Annex was quiet. Odd, especially since the Annex is normally brustling with Librarians and Guardians alike. Jenkins was minding his own business, enjoying the peace and quiet. "The calm before the storm," Jenkins pondered to himself, mixing one ingredient with a experiment he was currently working on, "What is Rita taking so long? She found Megan; so where are they?"

Absent-mindedly, Jenkins picked up his tea cup, bringing the ancient China to his lips. Confusion spead over Jenkins face when not a single drop of tea entered his mouth; the Caretaker sighed. "Tea break!" Jenkins declared to himself, picking up the tea cup and saucer. As Jenkins made his way to the Annexs kitchen, he couldn't help but feel....


Like someone who wasn't meant to be there was there.... Like something bad was about to happen.... Jenkins made a detour, entering the Annexs Main Room. Placing the tea cup set down, Jenkins glanced about the Main room as his hand reached for the hilt of a sword hanging on a coat hanger----


Magic pushed the coat hanger away from Jenkins side, causing the metal object to crash against the wall! The formal Knight spun around, finding himself at the end of a witches gaze. Or more specifically, a Authorian legends witches gaze. "Darn it," Jenkins thought in his head, speaking aloud in a voice that was meant to be cold, "Morgan Le Fay."

Morgan Le Fay, the destroyer of Camelot, Rita's formal teacher in magic, sat a book down onto the Annexs table. "Ah, Galahad.... It's Jenkins now, right?" Morgan turned her eyes to the Caretaker, smiling a cruel smile, "Did you miss me?" Jenkins faced the witch, gritting his teeth in anger. Right before Jenkins could utter a comeback, Luke carried a pizza box into the Main Room, "One double cheese pepperoni pizza for Ezekiel Jones!--- ahhhhhhh, is now a bad time?"

Jenkins gave Luke a "Are-you-kidding-me-your-my-backup????" look. Morgan Le Fay beamed as soon as she noticed Luke, "Ah there he is! Merlins golem! How lovely to meet you at last!" When Morgan Le Fay took a step towards the teen, Jenkins hurried over to step in between them, shielding Luke from the witches grasp. "You will not hurt his boy!" Jenkins growled, causing Luke to raise a eyebrow, "Uh, you know her?" "I would like to think so," Morgan Le Fay smirked, circling the two as if she were the predator and they were the prey, "We did come from the same era after all."

Like was confused "But Jenkins is... what? He comes from King Authors era, so he's a thousand years old? I think? How can you be—?" The sound of a pistols slide racking back and forth caused the three to turn to the Annex's back door. "If I were you, I'd suggest you leave... NOW" Clyde pointed a Remington 1911 R1 at Morgan Le Fay, his eyes holding a wicked glare in them, a glare that Luke had never seen before. Morgan Le Fay turned to face Clyde, "Ah, Prince Claudin! Son of King Claudas! I thought Lancelot killed you 400 years ago!" Clyde's hands were shaking, but his voice was a forced calm "That was 400 years ago; I'm here now."

"And you need to leave, now! Right now!" Jenkins ordered, pointing behind Clyde to the Back Door. With all of the newer Librarians and Guardians popping up, he was terrified to think of the witch meeting the son of Mordred, Timothy. Clyde edged away from the Back Door, keeping his gun pointed at Morgan Le Fay "Luke, Jenkins? Where are the others?" Before anyone could stop him, Luke revealed "Mr. and Mrs. Carson, Miss Cillian, Mr. Stone and Mr. Jones are heading to Rita's position; Rita has found Megan, but the school has seemed to go into lock down!" "How do you know that?" Morgan Le Fay raises an eyebrow, causing the golem to shrug "Rita called me five minutes ago to ask for backup?"

Jenkins turned his gaze to Morgan, his eyes filled with horror and growing realization "You didn't...!" "I've hired some... mercenaries... to hunt the two girls down." The witch locked eyes with the knight "I know Megan's secret, Galahad." Jenkins face paled, confusing Clyde and Luke.

"Uhhhh.... What did I miss?"

Oh no, not know! Jenkins turned to face Luke, his eyes widening with fear. Timothy stood next to the golem, a towel over his left shoulder and boxing gloves in his hands. The werewolf kept glancing back and forth at the occupations of the room, wondering aloud "Er, hey?" Morgan Le Fay stared at Timothy as though he was a ghost "Ti—-son of——you——" As soon as Timothy noticed who the lady in green was, his face paled "Didn't my father work with you...? To destroy Camelot?"

"WHAT?!?" Luke burst out, staring at Timothy with horror in his eyes. Luke had heard stories of the Fall of Camelot, and none of them were pretty. Morgan Le Fay frowned, striding towards the Back Door as she declared, "Let's see, I wonder who will reach Rita and Megan first? Your group, or mine?" The witch turned on her heels to face the small group, a wicked smile returning to her face, "I'll see you 4 later." With a sharp click of heels, the monster of Jenkins nightmares left the Annex for a second time.

The room fell silent.

"Ok, could someone PLEASE explain to me what the PIKACHU just HAPPENED?!?" Luke interrupted the silence, bursting out "Who WAS that Lady anyways?!" "At the moment, we have to warn the others," Jenkins decided, taking role as leader for the 4 of them, "Timothy, please explain to Luke who Morgan Le Fay is; we must go find the others, and try to save Rita and Megan." Jenkins, Clyde, Luke and Timothy began heading for the Annex's Back Door.

Once Luke and Timothy had exited the Annex, Jenkins grabbed Clyde's arm. "Old friend, please, stay here; keep the Annex and the entrance to the Library safe." Jenkins ordered Clyde with a gentle, get firm tone of voice. Clyde opened his mouth to protest, but Jenkins cut him off "If, by any chance, Morgan Le Fay decides to attack, you are the most capable of defending this place... out of the 4 of us here currently, I trust you the most."

Clyde closed his moth, accepting the mission with the nod of his head. "Alright," Clyde muttered, before requesting of his fellow knight, "Please, take this." Clyde pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to Jenkins, "The Devils Trap is a sigil trap. You catch a demon in that, and they're trapped. Use chalk, spray paint, marker or even blood on a roof or floor in order to trap a demon.... I don't know if Morgan Le Fay has allied herself with demons, but it's better safe than sorry, ya know...?"

Jenkins clapped Clyde's shoulder, "Thank you... your a good friend." Without another word, Jenkins left the Annex in the capable hands of his pupil, who watched the Caretaker close the Back Door behind him. Clyde's hands turned into fists.


Hey guys! RLKing27 here! I am so sorry I haven't been able to do much here on Wattpad; my life has literally been chaotic recently, but things are beginning to quiet down a bit. Hopefully I can get back to writing more chapters real soon.

Fun fact to note, I was originally going to have Jenkins leave Timothy behind instead of Clyde. I was thinking, "Well, Jenkins doesn't want Morgan Le Fay or even Dulaque to find him, so this is a good spot to put him...." but then I realized something; from what I've written, Jenkins would NEVER trust Timothy to protect the Library on his own. Jenkins would kill the werewolf first before he would even consider leaving Timothy on his own. With a ton of magical artifacts laying around and a Allie I don't trust, I would take him with me just to keep my eye on him.

Anyways, please lemme know if there is anything you'd like me to add or take out, or if you want to see more or less of someone or something. Thanks for reading and God bless! :)

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