Run For Your Life

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***Megans POV***

I felt like my heart and mind were breaking in two.

One moment I knew that magic and immortals didn't exist. The next moment I'm not only being told that I'm the daughter of two highly powerful and dangerous immortals, but I'm also being told that a magical Library wants to hire me!

Hire? Me?! I'm not even 16 yet!

I placed a hand on my forehead, taking slow deep breathes. I have to calm down! None of that is important now. At the moment we need to escape an immortal witch (who claims to be my mother) from kidnapping me and doing who knows what with me..... yeah, I'll need to deal with that as well....

Breathe, Megan. Breathe.

We had left the classroom only moments ago, during the time when I was trying to calm myself down. Each group, both the Librarians and my bio-fathers team, had into-woven together; some of my fathers team were with Flynn and Eve Carson, while Cassandra and Jacob stayed close to Jared. Pearl, or should I say Rita, never left my side.

Pearl... Rita.... how did I not see this coming? It's not like this was the first time someone lied to me about their name. Being the adoptive daughter of two police officers, some kids hated me while other kids feared me. But thanks to my ability to tell when someone is lying, I'm usually able to tell when someone is truthful or not, or when someone actually wants to be my friend or is plotting my down fall. But Rita? It's like theres a shadow surrounding Rita; I can't tell when she lies and when she tells the truth! In all my life, Rita is the one person who I can't quite figure out....

"Hold up!" Rita grabbed my hand, pulling me back with a gently tug. I snapped out of my thoughts to see that we had stopped in front of the cafeterias doors. With as much caution as a trained assassin, Jared entered the room with Dulaques men not to far behind their leader. When they let us know the coast was clear, the Librarians, my father and I entered the room.

What was once the cafeteria had been turned into a war zone. Benched and stools had been tossed about as though a herd of elephants had run through here from multiple directions. Scorch marks from a unknown (most likely magical) weapon surrounded soccer ball size holes in the walls and tables. A dumpster had its contents dumped out to allow a person to hide inside.

What surprised me the most was the green energy rippling through the air, as if it were waves on a ocean beach. "What is this stuff?" The boy named Luke asked, taking a step over a massive green... crystal? I knelt down to take a closer look. "It looks like... emerald?" Timothy guessed, though he was quickly corrected by Ezekiel declaring "It's peridot! Human size peridot nuggets!" My hand subconsciously touched a thin chain around my neck; on the end of the chain, hidden away by my soccer uniform, was a peridot necklace that the adoption agency found me with... the day I was found on the steps of a church, abandoned—-

Someone screamed, bringing our attention to my left. The redhead Librarian, Cassandra I believe, had her hands up to her mouth, trembling from head to toe. Jacob hurried over to her and wrapped a protective arm around her, looking down at a particular peridot that had been near the window. Jacob looked like he was going to become ill. "There... people.... in the gemstones!" Jacob called out to us, "All of them! These people have been mummified!!!"

Everyone looked around themselves in shock. I pulled out my phone and opened my flashlight, holding the light close to the surface. Sure enough, a kid I hardly knew lay inside the peridot. To my surprise I could see the peridot fog up from time to time, like when you breath on a window during a rainy day. "There alive!" I called out, looking up to see Jenkins and Rita kneeling next to me, "It's—-it's like they've been frozen solid!"

"Like Captain America when he was frozen solid from World War Two into Present day," Flynn hummed, running his thumb and index finger down his chin. Luke chuckled nervously "Hahaha, I get that reference...."

Rita stood up and looked around "We have to find a way out of here! Maybe there's some artifact back at the Library that can fix all this—-!" All of a sudden, A shudder went through the magic before the magic formed into cocoons around 3 of Dulaques men! "Brian!!!" Jason yelled. The ex military man began running to one cocoon in particular, ignoring Dulaque calling out "Stop! Get back—-!"


A shock wave ripped through the magic, straining and rippling under some invisible pressure. The shock wave sent Jason back, causing the man to collide into Timothy! Both men fell over onto the ground as several others fell down, some of the Librarians included. The only ones who managed to stay standing were Dulaque, Jenkins, Rita, Luke, myself and a few nameless individuals of Dulaques team.

"Hello boys, girls," a chilling voice greeted, a voice I wish I could forget. I looked to my left to see Morgan Le Fay and a few of her goons walking towards us. I took a nervous step back while Rita took a step forward, stepping in between the mad witch and me. Morgan Le fay rolled her eyes at the sight of Rita protecting me. Chiding Rita as though she were a child, the witch informed her "Oh please, Rita. You and I BOTH know your not strong enough to defeat me! Don't forget, I'm the one that taught you everything you know about magic!"

With a flick of Morgans wrist, magic shot out at the both of us! Rita didn't even hesitate; grabbing me by my waist, Rita lifted me off my feet and tossed me away from the immortal witch.....

And just like that....

Rita was trapped within a block of magical peridot...

The Librarians And The Magical ShootoutWhere stories live. Discover now