{Competition} {Renji Abarai}

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"BAM! HEADSHOT!!!" I scream, throwing my controller and double fisting the air. "I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER!!!"

"You just got lucky because Renji's on your team," Ichigo snaps. Renji chuckles at my outburst.

"Jealous that I won?" I ask, mocking Ichigo.

"Hell no! Rematch!" He yells, obviously jealous of my win. I smirk to myself as he chooses a new map. He didn't seem to realize that I knew these maps by heart. I didn't have a life outside of Call of Duty.

"Rust! It's a small map, no bunkering," Rukia points out. Yes, she was our fourth player. She didn't look like the Call of Duty kinda girl, but she was pretty frikkin' good, if I did say so myself.

"I'm game," I say with a giggle. "You guys are going down, though."

Ichigo set the point system as high as it would go and put it on infinite time. "Ready to lose?"

He was so cocky... I guess I'd better teach him a lesson about humility.

"Try me," I giggle, then grow serious. "Renji, custom class four."

"Got it, Babe," he says, choosing said option. I pick custom class four as well. We had coordinated our classes so that we were covered for whatever map we chose. In this particular case, my character had a sniper rifle. Renji's had the Mini Uzi weapon. We both had throwing knives as our special option as well as an arsenal of grenades.

Ichigo laughs out loud at my weapon. "A sniper rifle on Rust? Where are you gonna camp?" he teases.

"Oh, I have my secrets," I say darkly as the game counts down. And we were started!

"Renji he's coming your way!" I warn. A few shots later and the 'First Blood' achievement pops up.

"Got him," he states. I nod and focus on my character in the bottom left corner. I run across the map, shooting Rukia as I do. She growls and her character respawns. I was right there...

"Drop!" Renji yells. I slam on the B button and hear gunshots from the game. He picks off the shooter, which I identify to be Ichigo by his cursing at his untimely demise.

"Don't have to yell, Babe. I'm right here," I remind Renji as I lean back in his lap. He had a loud voice as it was. I didn't need to go deaf.

"I got excited," he argues, and I feel him shrug behind me. Who didn't when they were playing Call of Duty?

"Left," I murmur, my eyes flicking up to the screen above me.

"No screen watching!" Rukia hisses. I get her in my sights and pick her off. Headshot. Hell yeah.

"Not screen watching," I disagree, though she and I both knew that I totally was.

"Renji, where the hell did she go?" Ichigo growls. I see his character run by the back of my screen.

"Come back a little, and I'll show you," I coax. His character backs up, spinning in a circle as he looked for me.

"Noob," I tease as I snipe him. How stupid could a guy get?

"Ichigo, you idiot!" Rukia scolds.

"Come on, guys. Put up a fight!" I giggle. Just then my character keels over.

"You're welcome," Rukia states too-sweetly. I grumble to myself. Now that they knew my hiding spot, the sniper rifle was no good. They could find me easily and rack up points.

"Switching to class two. You can switch or stay, whatever," I say to Renji, my eyes glued to my screen.

"Staying," he says, killing Ichigo again. The game went by really fast now that I meant business. Within four minutes, the game was over. Renji had died twice, I had four deaths and Rukia and Ichigo an equal amount. Renji and I were the best team I had come across yet. No one could best us.

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