{Lonely} {Izuru Kira}

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I sat quietly in the very lively party. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Well, everyone but one person. The blonde sat by himself on one of the various seats provided. I frowned. I didn't like to see him so sad all the time. It made me sad.

I took a deep breath and stood from my spot. As soon as I got up, Rangiku, Renji, and Shuhei, who were hosting the party, decided to play a song that everyone wanted to dance to. I tuned the music out and meandered through the crowd. Some let me pass easily, and some were too drunk to realize someone was trying to get through. I growled to myself when I found that I had gotten completely turned around. I was back where I started.

"Damn," I grumble to myself. I merged back into the crowd, this time making it successfully through to the other side. There sat the lonely blonde, still. I took another deep breath to steady my increasingly frayed nerves. Why was I nervous? I was just going to ask him if he would like some company. Nothing could go wrong.

"U-Um... Izuru?" I ask softly as I sit beside him. He looks up, startled.

"Yes?" he asks, equally soft. That was one of the things I loved about him. He found no need to be overly loud.

"You looked lonely, so I decided I'd come talk," I state. He laughs a bit to himself. "What's funny?"

"I was thinking the same thing about you," he states, looking directly at me with his ice blue eyes. They practically made my heart melt. How ironic.

"You were?" I ask, face gradually going red. He nods softly, then looks back to the party.

"Don't like parties?" he asks while still looking at the crowd on the makeshift dance floor.

"How'd you know?" I ask with a laugh. He smiles lightly.

"Call it a lucky guess," he says with a shrug. I smile up at him and look over to the crowd.

"I'm guessing you don't like to dance?" I ask softly, glancing at him from the corner of my eye. He shakes his head. I blink and then frown. "Then why aren't you? You should be having fun."

"I have no one to dance with," he states softly, turning his gaze on me. "Would you like to dance?"

My face turns bright red, but I nod at him. He offers a hand which I take with a smile. As if on cue, a slow song come on. All and all, this was going better than I had planned.

He rests his hands on my hips and I wrap mine around his neck. "I actually don't know how to dance. I just know that this is how it starts," I whisper with a soft blush. He smiles slightly.

"Just sway with the beat. That's what most people do on slow songs," he says casually. I nod and tighten my grip around him as we began to sway softly. I close my eyes and smile. After a moment, I rest my forehead on his chest. He tenses up slightly, but doesn't pull away. The song ends, and I lift my blushing face to look at him.

"We should sit. You look tired," he states softly. I nod even though I wasn't actually tired and follow him, taking his hand as we make our way through the crowd. He sits down beside me and I smile up at him.

"You're so sweet, Izuru," I whisper. I glance up at him to see a small blush receding from his face quickly. I began to wonder if he felt the same as I did. "It was nice of you to dance with me, even though I don't know how."

"You danced just fine," he says while looking down at me. "If you hadn't told me I would never have known."

"Because it was a slow song," I protest with a giggle. "Try to get me to do that 'To the right, to the right, to the left, to the left' song and I will die, guaranteed."

He laughs, not a chuckle, a laugh. This causes me to smile. It had been a long time since I had heard his laugh.

I sigh in happiness and wrap my arm around his, resting my cheek against his shoulder. Rangiku must have spiked the punch or something. There was no way in hell I'd be doing this normally. He stops laughing and looks away with a blush. I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. After a moment, he rests an arm on my shoulder.

"Izuru, who do you like?" I ask, looking up at him. His face flushes red. "I won't tell anybody. I'd just like to know."

"Why?" he returns gently.

"I want to know. I don't want to see you lonely at a party. I'm going to march right over to her and tell her to dance with you," I state firmly. Even if I couldn't have him, someone deserved to, and he deserved to be happy above all else. He tilts my chin up so that I looked at him in those alluring blue eyes.

"Do you want the truth?" he asks. I nod.

"I want to know," I answer.

"I like you," he admits, searching my eyes. I feel my face heat up yet again and I involuntarily smile. I close my eyes and press my lips to his softly. He seems surprised at first, but smiles into it. I break away and look into his eyes.

"I like you too," I admit with a soft smile. He leans his forehead against mine and smiles. I watch as he presses his lips to mine gently, his hand moving to caress my cheek. I sigh in happiness when he breaks the kiss. "I guess I owe you a dance."

He looks at me questioningly. "I told you I'd march over to her and make her dance with you," I say with a giggle. "So come on. Maybe you can teach me."

He smiles and follows me out to the dance floor, where another slow song was playing. He smiles. Even if the party had slow songs all night, he'd teach me something about dancing, I'm sure. Maybe I could teach him that he didn't have to be lonely anymore in return.

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