Till Death Do Us Apart Or The Apocalypse

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•Chapter Six•
•Till Death Do Us Apart Or The Apocalypse•

Week 10 of Pregnancy

Your baby has finished the most critical part of development! Organs and structures are in place and ready to grow.


"Hey, watch your language." Brendan reprimanded me.

"Shut up, if you didn't have so much shit in your car I never would have swore." I glared at him.

"Jesus, do you listen to yourself. You're like a swearing machine. Every other word is a swear word." Brendan paused to chuckle as I picked up some of the shit that fell out of his car when I opened the door. "How are you gonna even talk when that baby is born?" He chuckled again.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I said as I slammed the door closed once I got in.

"Your baby's first word is gonna be fuck instead of dada." He started laughing again.

"Oh shut up and drive you fucktard." I snarled at him.

"Someone is in a bad mood. I don't think I've heard you say fuck so any times in five minutes." He gave me a cheeky smile as he pulled away from the curb.

"What the fuck is with you, just get off my back." I growled like some rabid dog. I slouched in my seat and subconsciously started to rub at my aching breast.

"Fine, fine, don't bite my dick off with your crazy hormones." He chuckled.

"Shut up fuck-face, my hormones aren't crazy." I grumbled.

"Oh really, that explains why you were hugging me not even ten minutes ago and now you're ready to rip my head off." He continued to chuckle while he pulled into the parking lot.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" I sniffled feeling my emotions flip on me. I was no longer pissed but feeling attacked. "I've had a hard morning and you keep laughing at me." I sniffled again starting to feel my eyes burn with tears.

"Oh shit." Brendan cursed before rounding the car and quickly hugging me. "Shh little momma, no need to cry." He rubbed my back comfortingly as I sniffled into his chest trying to not burst into tears.

I pulled back a minute later realizing I was creating a scene in the student parking lot. I quickly looked around finding a few people looking at us. "Stupid fucking hormones." I muttered.

"Are you okay?" Brendan asked in a gentle voice as if just talking to me would set me off.

"I'm not a fucking time bomb." I muttered again before looking back up at his amused looking face. "Yeah, I'm fine." I gave him a small smile before wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head against his shoulder.

"Remember little momma, were in this till death do us part or the apocalypse, which ever comes first." I pulled away from him and let out a laugh.

"You idiot, we aren't getting married." I chuckled before pushing his stupid ass away from me.

"But it's true, only death or the apocalypse will separate us." He slung an arm around my shoulder, giving me a cheeky smile.

"Hmm, lets see how far you run when I have a snotty, smelly, crying baby in my arms." I smirked back at him as we ascended the school steps.

"Well, only time can tell." He shrugged as we stopped at his locker.

"Shit." He cussed as he opened his locker.

"What?" I asked while staring at his locker.

"I forgot my fucking Spanish homework!" He roared in anger. "This is the fucking problem with Monday's, my fucking head isn't screwed on right." He grumbled.

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