The Meats and Greets

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Here is a never before seen chapter of Lullaby. And what I mean by that is that every chapter before this one had been published before I took a break from this book. So I hope you all enjoy this new chapter.

•Chapter Seven•
•The Meats and Greets•

Week 11 of Pregnancy

The baby is looking more and more like a newborn. Their nose is adding definition, while their ears are moving into place farther back on their head and their eyes are moving farther apart.

"I don't understand why you're mad." I tried talking to my mom as she was hurriedly getting ready to leave for work. "Mom?" I tried getting her attention.

"Not now, I need to leave." She said, acknowledging my presence.

"Okay, but tell me why you're mad." I urged.

"Harley, I'm not mad. Just let it go." The urge to sing hit me fast, but I pushed it down quickly.

"You are too mad, you wouldn't tell me yesterday and now you won't today." I was becoming increasingly more paranoid that I was finally feeling my mother's wrath for getting knocked up. Its a bit late, but it was bound to happen.

"I'm not mad, I just don't see why you're meeting his family before I'm meeting him. And I'm not pleased about you hiding it from me." She finally caved.

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't hiding it from you. I kind of forgot until Carter reminded me on Friday and then I got too nervous to tell you. I honestly didn't mean to hide it from you." I tried to convince her of my good intentions, even though I was lying through my teeth. As a matter of fact I knew why she was mad at me to begin with. I just wanted to hear her say it.

"Alright, just don't keep important developments with your baby daddy from me." The phrasing of baby daddy coming from my mother was a bit weird and a little off putting.

"As for me meeting his family first, its only because he hasn't told them yet, but..." I lost my train of thought briefly, second guessing what I was going to say and then just deciding I'd spring it on Carter later. "How about we have lunch together, during your lunch break you can meet him." I bargained.

"Alright," A rather large smile spread over my mother's face. "Yeah, I'd like that. How about we meet at the deli down the street?" She offered.

"Yeah, thats fine." I agreed. "Alright, bye mom, I'm gonna call Carter."

"Did you call Mr. Davis and tell him you wouldn't be in today?" she asked as she walked through the doorway.

"I told him on Sunday." I let out a sigh knowing that we already had this conversation yesterday.

"Good. Bye!" She shouted as she got into her car. I closed the front door and plopped down on the couch to scroll through my contacts to find Carter's number.

It was nerve wracking when he asked for my number on Friday before reminding me about the dinner on Sunday. I thought I was going to faint in the middle of the hallway. I hadn't forgotten about the dinner, so much as hoped that Carter had forgotten about it. I then pushed the dinner far from my mind and told myself I'd deal with it when the date became closer. Only it snuck up on me and did so in a public place which limited my freak out capabilities. Telling my mother on Saturday about the dinner had obviously been a bad move as it blindsided her and also made her a bit jealous apparently. I clicked on Carter's name and then pressed the phone to my ear, listening to it ring.

"Hey, what's up?" Carter answered.

"Don't be mad—"

"Are you bailing on the dinner?" His panicked voice cut me off.

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