H.Y.D.R.A 002

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The long trek through the snow finally came to an end when Steve had given out orders.
"Clint? You're with Nat on the Jeep." Steve says, "Andy, you're with me, Bruce and Tony will monitor everyone. Any questions?"
"Yes, one. Are you gonna destroy another motorbike?" Andy says sarcastically. Steve answered with a harsh glare.
"Ok... " Andy mutters.
"Everyone into their places. Now......GO!" Steve whisper-shouts. The deafening silence ended with Nat driving and Clint shooting explosive arrows.
"I'll never get used to this." Andy thinks to herself.
She holds onto Steve as he drives like he's in a damn drift race. He maneuvers his way through the forest as his shield catapults against several trees.
"Andy?" Steve asks.
"Wha-no. Not. Again." Andy says harshly already predicting what he was about to say.
"Well, you're gonna have to deal with it." Steve says.
Andy sighs as she uses Steve's shoulders to hoist herself up from the seat.
"1..2..3!" She thinks to herself as she jumps and lands gracefully on the snow-covered ground. Immediately, she is shot at. Luckily, she had a barrier cover over her. Her own made up of the energy surrounding her.
"Guys. Guys. Let's talk about this." She says in a playful yet reasoning tone. The shooting doesn't stop.
"Alrighty then.." She mutters.
Andy grabs the gun from her holster and shoots the men surrounding her, they don't let up and she doesn't either. Once she cleared out the soldiers she tuned in to the comms while stepping over the bodies of the soldiers.
"Sorry, 'scuse me.." She says quietly.
"Shit!" Tone yells.
"Language!" Steve scoldes, "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"
"The central building seems to be protected from some kind of energy field. Strucker's technology is well-beyond any other H.Y.D.R.A base we've taken."
Andy starts to come closer to the main fight.
"Loki's sceptre must be here." Thor says, "Strucker couldn't have mounted his defence without it. At long last."
Andy heard an explosion next to her and turned to see Nat.
"Need any help?" Andy asks sarcastically.
"Please." Natasha simply says.
Andy punches a few men then takes out her gun and shoots them to the ground. The gun wasn't getting much done as the soldiers were coming at rapid paces, so, she sticked to hand to hand.
"At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Nat says.
" I agree. This is going to take forever if we're keeping up the pace we're going." Andy says as she sprints over to where Clint is.
"Hey." Andy says.
"Hey. Do you mind-thanks." Clint says as Andy takes out the soldiers surrounding Clin't back.
"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint says.
"Wait a second. No one's gonna deal with the fact that Steve just said 'language'." Tony remarks.
"Would've said something. I had my hands full though." Andy sassed.
"I know." Steve paused then an explosion erupted from the north of Andy's direction, "It just slipped out." Steve says.
"Sir, the city is taking fire." Jarvis reports.
"Well, we know Strucker's not worried civilian casualties." Tony says, "Send in the Iron Legion."
There is a bunch of conversation that Andy didn't bother listening to. She runs with Clint to take out some bunkers. Clint and Andy ran behind trees to avoid some fire. Clint drew back and aimed but missed. Partially. Someone had caught it.
"What the hell was that?" Andy whispered.
"I don't know." Clint answered.
Andy turned slightly to see what sped by when she heard a grunt.
"Clint? You alright?" Andy asked while checking the parameters.
"Yeah just got knocked down by someone." Clint answered.
He got up with Andy's assistance when she heard a voice.
"What? You didn't see that coming?" A voice with a thick sokovian accent. He sped off.
"What the hell-augh!" Andy says. She looked down to see a rather large injury.
"Andy!" Nat called. That was all Andy heard before she passed out.
Gee whilikers! Another chapter! Changed some stuff, added some stuff. Not much, but ate cereal while doing this, :D

 Not much, but ate cereal while doing this, :D                          Cheers,

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