Worthy 003

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Andy heard a distinct Asian accent as she felt like she was floating, she grunted trying to see what was going on but to no avail. She blacked out right when she saw a bright light.

"Oh shit..' Andy thought.
"How's she.." Bruce said. Andy couldn't hear the rest as glass barrier gave a proofing to all talk outside of her room. Well, hospital room.
She tried to sit up and was successful, only to see Tony messing around with the damn sceptre. Great. She couldn't hear much except for what she suspected as Jarvis.

"You sure she's going to be okay? Pretending we need her really brings the team together." Nat says sarcastically.

"Funny." Andy says her voice a tad strangled.

"There's no possibility of deterioration." Dr. Helen Cho says. Nat smiles and Andy returns it. "The nanomolecular functionality is instantaneous. The cells don't know their simulacra."

"She's creating tissue." Bruce simplifies.

"If you brought her to my lab, the regeneration cradle can do this in 20 minutes." Helen says.

"Oh, she's flatlining. Call it. Time?" Tone snarks.

"No. no. I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made out of plastic. Huh, my 3rd grade nightmare came true." Andy says.

"You'll be made of you. Ms. Wilson." Helen says as Andy receives a smoothie. "Your own boyfriend won't be able to tell the difference."

"Ah-don't have one of those." Andy says as she sees the problem in Helen's sentence.

"Why is that?" Helen says.

"Never been a fan of boys." Andy responds nonchalantly.

"A girlfriend, then?" Helen asks regretting her mistake.

"Nope." Andy says.

"This is the next thing, Tony, your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust." Helen says.

"That is exactly the plan, and Helen I expect to see you at the party on Saturday." Tony says.

"Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties." Helen says, "Will Thor be there?"


"....But the suit can take the weight, so I take the tank, I fly right up to the General's palace. Drop it at his feet, I'm like 'Boom, looking for this?" Rhodey says. Tony, Thor and Andy give no reaction.

"Boom, are you looking for... Why do I even talk to you guys?" Rhodey says disappointed at the stoic face he was given, "Everywhere else that story kills."

"That's the whole story?" Thor asks.

"Yeah, it's a War Machine story." Rhodey replies.

"It's a very good story, then." The Norse God says.

"Uh-huh. Right." Andy says after another swig of her drink.

"Quality save." Rhodey replies, "So, no Pepper? She's not coming?"

"No." Tony replies briskly.

"What about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?" Maria asks from beside Rhodey.

"Ms. Potts has a company to run." Tony says.

"Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane's in.

"Oh boy. Here we go." Andy says while walking closer to Maria.

"Her work on the Convergence has made her the world's foremost astronomer." Thor continues.

"And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth. It's pretty exciting."

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