Safe House 007

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The plane ride was in an uncomfortable silence from what Andy could tell, she had fallen asleep within the first ten minutes of the plane ride. When she woke up, she looked out the window to see farmland.

"Clint?" Andy asked.

"What's up sleeping beauty?" Clint says sarcastically

"Funny. Where are we going?" Andy asked while surveying the plane and its inhabitants. They all looked somber.

"A safe house." Clint answers vaguely.

Andy hums in response as she had an idea of what this 'safe house' is. She walks through the team and sits back down next to Natasha. She looked up at Nat and sees the pain in her eyes she had only seen when Clint was er-compromised. She hesitantly wraps an arm around her and much to her surprise, Nat sinks into it. They both just sat there enjoying each others presence until they dozed off.

Clint looked back at the two and made some conversation with Tony.

"You ok man?" Clint asked.

"Yeah." Tony says.

"So you don't thi-" Clint says before Tony interrupts.

"Definitely not." Tony says taking a glance at the two, "She's too young and besides they're basically family. Nat also isn't-' Tony says before stopping himself.

Clint chuckles before saying, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Sometimes, it feels like they grew up with each other the way they are with each other."

"Yeah." Tony says before popping a question, "Where are we going again?"

"A safe house." Clint says for the third time.

"How close are we?" Tony says.

"You're like a child, Tony. I swear, we're really close." Clint says when he sees the farm on the horizon which should take no time with the Quinjet.

A few minutes later, Clint landed they jet and they all got off with the exception of Andy waking up Nat.

"Hey Nat.." Andy says.

Nat grunts and moves so she's more comfortable on Andy's shoulder.

"Nat.." Andy says gently nudging her shoulder.

"Mm." Nat says waking up in a daze of sorts.

"We're here." Andy says.

Nat nods and let's Andy guide her to the house.

"Hi. Company, sorry I didn't call ahead." Was what Andy heard when they walked into the house.

"This is an agent of some kind." Tony says slightly confused.

Andy rolls her eyes while keeping a steady arm around Nat.

"Gentleman, this is Laura." Clint says.

"Hi, I know all of your names." Laura says then smiles at Andy, "Hey Andy."

"Hey Laura." Andy says quietly.

"Ooh, incoming." Clint says as he hears footsteps.

Andy nudges Nat to look at Clint's kids and Nat smiles.

"Good." Andy thinks.

"Daddy!" The kids says as they run in.

"Oof. Good to see you too." Clint says.

"These are smaller agents." Tony says confusedly.

Andy again, rolls her eyes and kicks Tony in the shin.

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