Strings 004

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No, how could you be worthy? You’re all killers.” The mangled robot said.

 “Damn, didn’t see this coming.” Andy thinks.

 “Stark..” Steve says.

 “Jarvis?” Tony says.

 “I’m sorry, I was asleep. Oh, I was a dream.”

 “We got a buggy suit.” Tony says.

 “Terrible noise and I was tangled in… strings.” The robot interrupts, “Had to kill the other guy, he was a good guy.”

 “You killed someone?” Steve asks.

 “Wouldn’t have been my first call, but down in the real world, we’re faced with ugly choices.” The robot says slightly ignoring Steve’s question.

 “Who sent you?” Thor asks.

 “I see a suit of armour around the world.” A recording says. More specifically a recording of Tony.

 “Ultron!” Bruce says connecting the pieces.

 “I the flesh, or no. Not this...chrysalis.” Ultron responds.

 “You know, for a robot, he’s awfully civil.” Andy thinks.

 “But I’m ready.” Ultron says. Andy hears the Maria taking off the safety of her gun.

 “Dammit. Forgot the gun.” Andy thinks.

 “I’m on a mission.” Ultron continues.

 “What mission?” Natasha asks.

 “Peace in our time.” Ultron finishes as several other mangled bots barge through the walls.

 Andy steadies her mind trying to cancel out the battle going on around her.

 “Breathe. We can do this.” She thinks to herself.

 Soon, a grey matter of sorts surrounds her hands and body in whisps. She acts quickly and gather several of the bar stools and throws them to the bots. Some of them dodge but some don’t. She focuses on the bot advancing towards Maria and rips it apart from the inside.

 “You ok?” Andy asks.

 “Fine. Some of the others might not though.” Maria says.

 Andy watches as a bot makes a run for the sceptre.

 “Hey metal head! That belongs to us!” Andy yells.

 Andy sprints toward the bot when she catches a glimpse of one coming from behind. She creates a sphere of matter and chucks it at the bot. It goes right through.

 “These are some wimpy robots…” Andy says.

 “That was dramatic.” Ultron says, “I’m sorry, I know you mean well and you just didn’t make it through. You want to protect the world but you don’t want it to change. How is humanity saved if it’s not allowed to evolve.” Ultron says.

 “Hm?” Andy hums.

 “With-with these..puppets.” He picked up the bot by the head.

 “And only one path to peace. The Avengers extinction.” Ultron finishes and Thor throws Mjolnir at the bot.

 “I had strings but now I’m free.” Ultron says.
Wow, fun note to end on. I legit am waiting for Wanda to be at the scene and meet Andy. I know Andy hasn't had a lot of dialogue but she will , don't worry lol.


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