extra chapter, dreams of war pt.1

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Trigger Tags: PTSD. I realize this is similar to I See Fire.

Everything had dissolved into chaos. Shrapnel flew past Baldroy's head, and he winced at the agonized yells as his fellow trench-mates bodies were pierced. The sharp, red smell of blood filled the air, along with burnt metal and scorched grass.

Raising his rifle yet again, he tried to see if there were any enemies advancing, but the bodies - both of his own mates and the enemy's forces - blocked his vision.

A gunshot went off, and Baldroy yelped as the top of his hat was gouged through. Underneath, he could feel the heat of the bullet as it shot past him. Yelping, he scrabbled down into the slightly safer waters of the trench, his chest heaving. That had been so close.

His hand went up to the top of his head, and came away without blood. Good. So he hadn't lost any skin. Every nerve felt like high-strung piano wire, one small iota away from snapping in the worst way possible. His heart was pounding an erratic, staccato beat in his chest.

"Stop." Baldroy gripped his head with trembling hands, as if he was trying to hold himself together. As if doing this would stave off the anxiety and shell shock he was most likely going to live with for the rest of his life. He didn't have time for that right now.

"Medic!" Someone's agonized voice yelled, their voice only somewhat audible over the sound of the battle going on around them.

"Medic! Lieutenant, find a medic!"

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