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this episode brad and camila might do it one year ago they are not on tour but brad and camila have been dating for two years

b: babe can I tell you something

cam: yeah

b: I love you

cam: I love you too

b: (grabs camila and puts her on his lap)

cam: do you like this position

b: yeah

cam: (moves around)

b: dont move

cam: im not comftable ( moves around and feels something) whats that

b: I told you to not move

cam: does brad have a bo....

b: ( covers her mouth) dont say

cam: ok

b: (kisses her neck )

cam: (moans) babe

b (sucks on her neck)

cam: i think im ready

b: (pulls away) really wanna do it

cam: yeah

girls and boys : were going shopping wanna come

brad and camila: no

girls ': ok

cam: today is your lucky day

b: (picks her up and puts her on the bunk)

cam: (takes brad shirt off)

so they do it

20 minutes later

cam: I love you babe ( breathing hard)

b : me to (breathing hard)

they put on their clothes

cam: dont tell the boys

b: dont tell the girls they go to sleep

the girls and boys go back and see bradmila sleeping

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