its five months and camila has her baby its a girl name Jessica Jade Simpson Cabello
brad: she looks like you but has my curly hair
camila: I know
brad: I need to ask you something
camila: ok
brad: Karla Camila Cabello will you marry me?
camila: yes
brad: (kisses her)
camila: (kisses back)
brad: lets go tell the people
camila: ok
dinah: hey son and daughter and you little rascal (carries the baby)
camila: let them figure ou
dinah: figure out what (she sees something sparkle in the sun)
ally: is that a engagement ring I see
camila: yeah
lauren: oh our little baby is growing up
tristran: you have a fiancee and a baby she is growing up
brad: umm baby girl we need to talk
camila: ok dinah and girls be the babysitter plz
brad: lets get our own house
camila: ok
brad: I ready found one
camila: really
brad: yeah lets start packing
they pack and tell the boys and girls the news
normani: dont leave me
brad: you can come and visit
camila: we already gave the adress to dinah
ally: why her
brad: she our mom
Romancemeet Camilla Cabello she is on tour with her group Fifth Harmony and The Vamps, Shawn Mendes and Austin Mahone but will Camilla like Bradley and will he like her back.....and they do go back home in Miami. Florida