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camila: brad I want to go to the carnival

girls: me to

camila: see babe

brad: ok babe and girls

boys: we going to the carnival

lauren: yep

Tristan: you going brad

they cant find brad

ally: you going camila

they cant find camila

brad: ( kisses and sucks on camila neck))

camila: oh babe (moans)

connor: what are you two doing

brad : (pulls away)

camila (blushes)

dinah: you couples

camila: im going outside

brad: me to

camila( holds brad hand)

brad ( holds camila hand)

camila: are we going to the carnival

girls get dressed

boys get dressed

camila: babe

brad: yeah

camila: my mom and dad want to meet you

brad : ok do you want go now or after the carnival

camila: the girls and boys can go to the carnival and we go to my mom and dads house

brad: ok we will meet you there

they go to camila parents house

camila: mom dad this is my boyfriend bradley simpson

sinuhe(camila mom) : hi im sinhue camila mom

alejandro(camila dad): hi im camila dad alejandro

brad: hi its very nice to meet you

dad: make sure you take care of my daughter im going to work

mom: so bradley we are going to have a test to see if you right for my daughter

camila go into sophies room

sophie: camila!!

camila: sophie!!

sophie: what are you doing here

camila: mom is meeting my boyfriend

sophie: you have a boy friend

camila : yeah

five minutes later

mom: camila sophie come over here

sophie: who the boy

camila: remember the one that I told you about

sophie : bradley simpson

brad: hi whats your name

sophie: sophie

camila: so mom did brad past the test

mom : he did

camila: yayyy

brad:(kisses camila cheek)

sophie: ewww

camila and brad( laughs)

sophie: so bradley you need to past my boyfriend test

brad: ok

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