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brad: I think its funny that your not sleepy but then we talk and then your sleepy

camila:!it just how I am

brad:well lets go to the beach tomorrow

camila: just me and you

brad : no your girls and my boys

camila: ok ill text them (kisses him)

brad: (kisses back)

camila: hey dinah do you girls wanna go to the beach house tomorrow with me and brad and the boys

dinah: yeah the girls said yeah to

camila: ok love you

dinah: love you too

brad: what did they say

camila: yeah and the boys

brad: they said yes

camila: ok good night

brad: ok night baby girl

that next morning

camila: papa bear can you carry me to the girls house

brad:yeah (carries her) your so light

camila: thank you

lauren: aww look at the couple

camila: lets. go to the beach

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