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next morning

camila: papa bear wake up

brad: no baby girl

camila: wake up papa bear

brad: noooo baby girl

camila: fine papa bear (walking to the kitchen)

brad: baby girl dont be mad ( walks where  she is)

camila: im not mad ( almost yells)

brad: you just yell at me

camila: I wanna break up

brad : baby girl please dont be like this

camila: dont call me that we are over brad

brad: babe please

camila: ( walks to the girls house and starts crying)

dinah: camz what happen

camila: me and brad broke up

ally: what happen

camila: ( tells them what happen)

Lauren : oh girl we are here for you

their is a knock on the door

normani: its connor Tristan james

james: have you guys seen brad

Tristan : wow camila what happen

camila: me and brad broke up the last time I saw him was at his house

connor : lets go there

camila: wait im coming

they go to brads house and look everywhere but they look in the bathroom

and the see brad crying and a blade and he is bleeding from his arms

camila: brad im sorry!!

brad: its ok

camila: why did you do this

brad: you broke my heart

camila: ( crying)

brad: baby girl dont cry

camila: lets just forget everything and get back together I dont want you to do this

brad: ok

camila(kisses brad)

brad(kisses back)

james: dont scare us like that

they hear connor crying

brad: connor are you crying

connor: ummm no

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