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It's been two whole week since you last seen Taehyung. Since he've been to school. Since that day.

You sighed as you plopped down in your chair. Taking out your supplies for this class. You copied the notes down in your notebook from the Chalkboard. You zoned out whatever the teacher was saying as you stared into space. Your mind flooding with all the research you've been doing the past weeks.

You've been going to the library every day and reading old articles. After what you've experienced that day with Taehyung you started to question yourself. Every time you would close your eyes all you seen was those pitch black orbs so called eyes. You've seen eyes like that before, but you can't put your finger on it.

You've spent all your weekends in your room on your laptop. You've noticed how fiery his skin it when ever you would touched him. You never once in your life seen him eat. At Lunch all he did was pick at his food. He's been going to this school for years and he'd never aged a bit.

You put all those things together and the only thing you could think of was a vampire. But vampires aren't real, right? But it all made sense. Your grandma used to tell you how at some point there was vampires, witches, and werewolves. Of course you would believe her. You've always been the type to believe in make belief things such as vampires.

So maybe Taehyung is a vampire. Where you afraid? Not one bit. Do you think it's crazy? Of course you do. But you've read a lot of fiction things about those things and that's the only thing you could think of. But the real thing that makes this whole situation true was the 'animal attacks' that's been happening for the last few years.

And all of a sudden for your junior year Taehyung supposably moved. That's when the animal attacks stoped. Although they never found the animal. Police would say maybe it was a mountain lion or something causing these deaths. But every victim they've found necks where snapped and bit. That only leads to a vampire.

Your heart started to pound in your chest at the thought of Taehyung being the reason for these deaths. But you couldn't picture him that way. He wouldn't hurt innocent people. Would he? You thought you knew him better than that.

You blinked your eyes rapidly at your teachers voice, bringing you back to reality. You heard the classroom door open. "Mr Kim. Your finally back." That made your heart stop. Lips parted as you began to breathe heavy. You watched Taehyung walk straight pass you, with his head down and the same familiar black hoodie pulled over his head so you couldn't see his face. He stormed right pass your desk and went to his usual seat. I'm the back corner by the window.

It kind of shattered your heart that Taehyung doesn't want to explain to you what happened that night. You blinked your eyes trying to force away the tears. You placed a palm on your chest and started to breathe slowly , trying to catch your breath.

You slowly turned your head to the back of the classroom, trying to see him. You turned all the way around and your breath hitched when his eyes was already burning wholes through your body. You guys locked eyes. This time he didn't look away. You stared into his darkish hazel eyes, noticing how red they looked.

It seems like he was trying to tell you something through his eyes but you couldn't quite understand. You gulped once he tilted his head a bit. He was reading you. Hearing all of your thoughts that flowed through your mind. A small smile creeped up on his lips, but you didn't notice as you where too lost in his eyes.

Why aren't you running from me y/n? He thought. Are you not afraid? And as if you could hear his thoughts you shook your head lightly. You already knew what he was asking through his eyes. He already assumes you knew what he truly was by now.

Finally the bell rung. Interrupting you two from your 'stare down'. But that didn't change anything. Taehyung still has his eyes on you as he got up from his desk and made his way out the class. Of course you got up and followed him.

You ran out the classroom and into the hallway. You smiled as you seen him casually walking down the hall with his hands in his pockets. "Taehyung!" You called out. But he didn't respond instead glanced at you over his shoulder.

You huffed and continued to follow him down the hall. You kept walking not know where he was leading you. Your mind was telling you that he was dangerous and he could be possibly be leading you to your death. But your legs didn't listen as you kept following him.

You stoped in your tracks as you turned the corner. You couldn't see no sign of Taehyung. You started to grow confused as to why he lead you into a dark empty hall. "Taehyung?" You called out.

You jumped and turned the other way when you heard a locker closing. You gulped and slowly turned the other way. "Taehyung. This isn't funny." Your voice was shaky.

As you where about to walk away you felt a presence behind you. You turned around and let out a loud gasp as you seen Taehyung. You laced a palm over your chest and took deep breathes. "You scared me!" You scold.

But he didn't say anything. Which sorta creeped you out. He just stood there. With his head down. Hoodie covering his face. You reached a shaky hand out to touch him but he suddenly...vanished.

You let out a soft gasp as you spotted him at the other end of the hall. "So you know?" He asked from across the hall. As you where about to reply he was now directly behind you. You turned around with widened eyes.

You could see his face now, and there where those deep dark black eyes again. There was no more white, just black and that sent shivers up your spine. You gulped and nodded your head.

You and Taehyung just stood there staring at one another, not saying anything. Taehyung started tilting his head as he eyes ran all over you. Trying to read you. "Your not afraid." He says with furrowed eyebrows.

Why would I be afraid? You thought. You knew that Taehyung wasn't like that so there was no reason for you to be afraid. Even if he isn't human, you would still treat him the same as you did before.

"Because I'm a blood thirsty demon." He says. You looked at him confused. He let out a low chuckle and taped on his temple. "I could hear your thoughts."

Your eyes widened and your heart started to thump against your chest. Taehyung seen you reaction and heard how fast your heart rate was going and laughed. His laughter faded away as he thought about something. Now having a serious look.

"You should be afraid. You should stay far away from me." He gritted between his teeth. You gulped. Trying to watch your thoughts know mowing that he could hear them.

"But I'm not." You mumbled. You knew Taehyung wouldn't hurt you. I'm fact, he wouldn't hurt anyone. Taehyung let out a sarcastic laugh and shook his head, rubbing the bridge of him nose.

"Gosh y/n. You don't understand, do you? I'm a vampire. Your a human with sweet blood. We can't be friends. Now leave me alone or I will do something I may regret."
And with that he left. Just vanished in the air.

Your throat clenched as you just stood there. You where in complete shock that he actually had said that. Maybe he was t really what you thought he was. Maybe it was all an act. A act to lure you into his 'trap'.

A/n: I'm back☺️ sorry I haven't been uploading I just wanted to take a short break but I'm back and I'll start posting more again. Also sorry for any errors I didn't feel like editing😂

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