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"What do you mean you've lived it?!" You questioned. You didn't understand why she didn't just say it already. It feels like she keeps sugar coating things, as if she's afraid to tell you the truth.

"How can i say this?" She mumbles to herself. You rolled your eyes, wanting her to get over with it already. In fact she was really starting to bug you. "I'm not like any normal teenage girl." She continues.

"I'm not a vampire nor a werewolf. I'm a witch. I come from a bloodline of witches and warlocks." You weren't surprised. The thought about you being friends with a vampire and werewolves kind of made you believe anything about mythical tales.

You nodded your head. Bobbi looked at you in confusing. Maybe she thought that you wouldn't believe her. Or maybe even ask her to show you some proof.

"You actually believe me?" She asks, confused as ever.

You shrugged your shoulders as you continued to nod your head. "Yeah, I mean i witness vampires and wolves, so you being a witch is pretty normal."

Although you did believe her, you still needed some proof.  You had a ton of questions to ask, and today was the perfect day for that.

Bobbi stood and closed the blinds to your window. You looked at her, confusion written all over your face. You didn't question her, you only watched her. She then went to turn off your bedroom light, leading the room to fill with darkness.

"What are you-" she cut you off by shushing you as she climbed back onto your bed. It was dark but not too dark. You could still see her and everything else in your room.

You watched her close her eyes and bow her head as if she was going to pray. It seems like she was trying to concentrate on doing something.

Right before you decided to stop her from doing whatever she was doing, your collection of unlit candles on your dresser started to light up.

A soft gasp left your lips as you turned your head back towards Bobbi. Her lips curved up into a huge smile.

"Did you just?" You asked, her following with a head nod. You smiled as a scoff fell out. "How did you?" You were speechless.

She only chuckled as she stood back up to turn the lights back on. "A witch never reveals her secrets."

"I have so many questions."

She smiled. "Ask away. We have all night." She say, laying down on her side, propping her self up with her elbow making herself comfortable.

The Q&A has begun.

"Okay so you said you've lived it when the werewolves and vampires burned in the church, what did you mean by that?"

She let out a sigh, turning on her flat back and staring up at your ceiling. "The real Bobbi was born in the year 1847. Like i said, witches are in my families bloodline so i was born a witch."

"Wait so your immortal like a vampire?" You asked.

"My soul, yes, but my body, no. This isn't what i really look like. After a witches body dies, they're soul in re-incarnated into the next generation of their bloodline."

You nodded your head. Everything was making since. You actually thought it was cool. To get to experience the change of the century's as the years go by.
"But that doesn't mean I'm immortal. If my soul dies then I'm dead forever."

"Ah." You say, nodding your head. "So how did you first die? If, you don't mind me asking."

Bobbi chuckled, shaking her head side to side. "I actually died in 1864 when i was eighteen years old."

"You died the same year the vampires and werewolves got burned in the church?"



"That night, not only did the vampires and werewolves die, but also the witches. My ancestors and i tried to cast a shielding spell to keep them safe from the fire. But the spell was too powerful, not even a group of witches can cast a big spell like that, so I've got overwhelmed by all of the magic and it was too much for my body."

It did make sense to you.

"But, why would you guys try to protect them? I thought you guys hated werewolves and vampires." You questioned, confused about that one thing.

"Actually, believe it or not, vampires, werewolves, and witches all used to get along back in the day. We felt like we were the only ones who got one another. Normal people would call us freaks and say we were monsters. So we all kind of had that in common, getting hated on by the real world. But every since my ancestors and i died trying to protect them, our bloodline visioned them as our enemies now."

You listened to her as if she was telling you a bedtime story. The whole story was interesting. You've never would've thought that you would live in the world with these mythical creatures.

You wished that you were born around that time. You started to feel some type of way. They've all experienced all of these cool things and have all of these cool abilities, when your just a normal human.

Being a human in this world is a real struggle. Knowing that they blend, you'd never know whose out to get you. Accepting the fact that vampires nor werewolves like humans.

"Did that answer all of your wonders?" Bobbi asks you, pulling you back into reality.

You didn't say anything but nodded your head as you stared off into space. Visualizing all of it, made you want to live it.

I'm sorry that this chapter was short and wasn't all that good, but i wanted to have a chapter about Bobbi's background and this was all that came to my mind, so I'm so sorry if you didn't like it that much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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