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You walked through the forest, humming as you listened to the sounds of cracklings leaves and branches cracking. Some people might say your weird for walking through a forest by your self, but it was light out so what was there to be afraid of?

You suddenly started smiling as you started remembering the chat you had with Taehyung a couple of days ago. Actually to think about it you and Taehyung had some things in common, except for the whole vampire thing.

You suddenly stopped moving when you heard more crackling branches and leaves, sounding like it was someone else there to too. You slowly looked around the forest trying not to make any sound so you'd be sure if it was actually some one there.

Your pulse started to quicken as you heard another branch snap. You quickly turned your head towards the direction and you froze on the spot.

Right in front of you stood a...wolf? A big reddish brownish wolf  with bright green emerald eyes. You placed your hands out in front of you, smiling as you took small steps back. "Good wolf. Stay exactly where you are." You say calmly as you continued to walk backwards slowly.

Your heart dropped when you noticed the wolf slowly approaching you

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Your heart dropped when you noticed the wolf slowly approaching you. You gulped and prayed that if you started running now you'd make it out the forest alive, but you'd knew you couldn't out run an actual werewolf.

Just as the wolf was about to charge at you, "I see him! Over there!" A man's voice yelled from behind the wolf. You and the wolf looked in the direction of the voice but no sight of him.


You jumped and gasped as you seen the wolf laying on the ground now. You didn't know why but you suddenly started to move towards him. You kneeled down and placed your hand over the wound only to yanked it back once the wolf let out a loud whimper.

You heard footsteps rushing towards you and you looked up seeing two men as they held their guns pointed towards you. "Step away from the wolf little girl!" One man yelled.

His voice terrified you so you quickly stood up, but you didn't move away from the wolf. You watched as one of them started to pick up the wolf. The wolf decided to make everything worse by biting the man on the shoulder. The wolf went tumbling on the ground as the man yelped in pain as he placed a hand on his shoulder. The other man aimed his gun at the wolf but a voice stopped him.

"Chief." A boy-almost looked the same age as you but probably older- walked towards you all. The boy had black hair, slicked back and he looked like he was out of breathe.

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