Chapter 7- The Water

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I couldn't continue running my legs didn't want to stop but I needed to. I collapsed right where I was I rested my hand on the ground to brace myself as I was hunched over crying.
I didn't care who had seen. My mother was a monster and dictated my life from birth. This was the last straw. To dictate who I love was even low for her and she's the goddess of love.

"Nefeli are you ok?" I heard someone say I knew who it was of all people in this time it had to be Apollo. "Don't touch me!" I exclaims through my cry as my hair flew up with the burst of energy and flare in my power not being able to control I'm this state. I looked up through my hairs "you and her mother ruined my life." I say coldly. "I thought you were on my side but you agreed to the Arrangement knowing this isn't my destiny." I say through my crying. "Nefeli this is your destiny this is deemed your destiny so why do you fight it!" Apollo said clearly getting pissed his future wife was denying it. "BECAUSE IT ISNT! A DESTINY IS CHOSEN BY THAT PERSON NOT THEIR MOTHER! JUST LIKE IT WAS YOUR SISTERS CHOICE TO BE A SACRED VIRGIN ON HER OWN WITHOUT AN ARRANGEMENT IT IS MY CHOICE TO GIND SOMEONE I LOVE AND DECIDE HOW I MAKE MY MAKE IN OLYMPUS!" I yell through my tears as the energy from my powers increased. "Stay away from me." I say getting up shaking my head running off. "NEFELI! where are you going!" Apollo exclaims. "Screw you!" I shout back running off to who I could trust most.

"There it is brother. We are back on course." Lorena says smiling satisfied as she watched the hurt Nefeli run away. "We have three months before her Secrecy ceremony." Lukas says. "Which means we advance now." Lorena says laughing darkly.

I stood on the porch of Artemis softly knocking to weak to even give a full force. I wrapped my arms around myself as the tears still fell. I just knew where my heart was and it felt wrong to be forced to ignore it and be put with someone who didn't know me. It was like my life was thrown away and I didn't care. "Nefie" Artemis says in shock and takes me into her arms as I cried. "I just want him." I say softly as I clung to her as she pulled us in closing the door. "Let's hey you cleaned up and then we can talk." She says holding my face in her hands. She knew when I had stressful situation or moments were I didn't feel beautiful, youthful, or passionate I temporarily lose my energy and my body begins to dull. "Isidore run the bath and get Nefeli's emergency bottle." She states as she walked me to her room. "I got you baby sis." She says softly.

I had never felt this weak or vulnerable before. I never cried this hard before. The last time was when I was nine and that was a moment I never wanted to remember. After I had taken the time to collect myself and get dressed we sat in Artemis bed cuddled together. "Tell is everything." Isidore said as she brushed my hair. I sighed softly. "I had spent the night at basil's it went great, I got to know him and learn about him. I met Hades and Persephone. I met his best friend and maybe fell asleep on him as we talked on his balcony." I say softly recalling the amazing night I had but sighing deeply thinking what lead after. "I kissed him this morning and you know. I've been kissed anyone besides for that dare and the person who caused this." I say as my grip tightened on the cup. "Calm, Calm." Artemis says as she rested her hand on mine. "He took me home and somehow mother found out so what I do kissed him again in front of her. Of course she got mad...and she dropped the bombshell." I say trying to hold back the tears but failing miserably. "Your brother agreed to the Arrangement." I say crying soft. "I'm going to kick his ass." Artemis says angry. "I'm going to kick her ass." Isidore added. I didn't pay attention to them, all I could think of was how I didn't want to lose what I was growing with Basil. Artemis and Isidore stopped and noticed me. They looked to each other nodding. "I'll be back." Isidore says as she gets up. I had no idea what she was doing, but she snuck off to text Basil to come. The exact text was Basil this is Isidore, we need you ASAP. Don't question just come she needs you. "Don't let that get you down Nefeli. You're the strong bad ass queen I know. You're going to find a way to fight this and get what you want and what makes you happy. I know you." Artemis says before Isidore joined us again. "Dry those tears we have three months to figure out a plan. Well help you and do all we can." She says gently nudging me.

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