Chapter 5

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"We've all got the power

in our hands to kill,

but most people are afraid

to use it. The ones who aren't

afraid, control life itself."

-Richard Ramirez


"Ms. Wiltse...", I froze and believe me when I say, it's very rare.

Nevertheless, I let her continue, all the while tapping my fingers on the table. Why do I feel nervous? Wait, why do I feel anything except hatred, anger, annoyance, boredom, etc.? And why do I feel nervous, out of all the emotions present out there. It's my first, I think.

Stop over-reacting Elora, my subconscious snapped.

"Alright Ms. Wiltse?"

What? I must have zoned out. I didn't hear what she said. I zoned the freaking out. This is so unlike me. You would think a person, a sociopath like myself, whose ability to pay attention at all times, to everyone is sky-high, would know what her teacher just said. But no, I didn't. Again, this is so unlike me.

Now, I would have to ask her what she just said again because as usual, her impassive face is just in contrast to her deadpan expression, I can't deduct anything. I would attract attention to myself.... if I haven't already.

This is all because of the weird boy sitting next to me.

I pass him a disgusted look before turning myself to face the teacher and stand up. With an impassive face as herself, might I add, I began...

"I beg your pardon Miss? I didn't quite catch you."

Just as I finish my sentence, my teacher gives me a sympathetic smile and as I glance around the class, everyone is giving me weirded out looks and some are even glaring. Huh, weird.

"I said, as Mr. Crawford is new, would you mind if I ask you to give him a tour of the school?"

With a disbelieving look on my face, I begin...

"I'm not su--"

She cut me off mind sentence and continued....

"Ah, that's what I thought Elora. Thank you and as you're sitting next to him, it only seems befitting that you partner up with him for the project this semester."

Again I begin,

"Wait wha--?"

"Oh, very well! Now you can sit down as we've already spent much time in introductions."

She smiles and before I can speak again, she begins lecturing us about 'Pygmalion'

I turn to listen to Ms.Riley, but not before passing the guy next to me a filthy glare, which he returns with a sheepish smile. Ew.

I look up to the ceiling and mouth, 'Why me Big Guy?'


After forty-five excruciating minutes and exactly seventeen more pokes, the period finally ended and I exited the class. Or at least, tried to exit the class.

I get up from my seat and begin to push my way out of the class but a particular someone stops me from doing so by clutching my hand tightly.

Here we go again.

"Did you not hear what the teacher said? You're supposed to show me around." he drawled with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I pass him an unimpressed look and try to wriggle my hand out of his hold. It's seemingly hard than the other times, weird. I'm good at fighting and self-defence, verbally and physically alike. This shouldn't be hard.

I ignore his comment and yank my hand out of his hold.

"Oh c'mon. What have I ever done to you?" he squeaks in a high voice whilst shaking his hand, because apparently I hurt him.

Should've though better of me loser.

"Your whole existence is a curse to the planet." He winces slightly at words but quickly regains his composure and passes me a blank look.

"I have way more important things to do and way more important places to be. I'm sure you understand anyone else will be willing to give you a tour. Anyways, I'm not going to be in school after the break so if you want to accompany me to ensure that my serial killer mother has left my house, you're more than welcome."

I end my rant and he give me a confuzzled look then burst out laughing.

"God, I never....never... took the fun--... funny kind", he says in between his laughs and that annoys me beyond limits.

I glare at him and speak in a dangerous look,

"I'm not even kidding.". Usually, all the children would've been scared out of their wits at my tone and glare but him... he's extraordinary.

The kid stand there and chuckles lightly at my words.

I growl and that seems to shut him up.

"Oi, I'm sorry. I'll look for someone else. No need to go all apeshit crazy on me. Anyways, the mother joke was really funny, serial killer huh? What was her name again?", he chuckles and looks at me, questioningly.

Yes! This is my favorite part!

"Holly. Holly Wiltse."

Suddenly, the room is engulfed in a sickening silence. The name always seems to do the trick.

Most of the kids look at me with a horrified expression, some with disgusted look and others... they look at me as if they're gonna shit their pants. Scared senseless, just how I like it.

The guy... what was his name?... Ah, Hunter... No, Andrew.... Why am I reciting the names of Holly's victims? I have no idea.

Ryder, was it?

I see several emotions pass through his eyes, horrified, disgusted, scared, nervousness, revulsion and.... humor? Is it humor that's shining in his blue eyes?

The kid is surely something.

"Wow, I knew there was something going on with you. Can I join you? Ooh boy, I sure do love gore! We'll be like.... Sherlock and Watson! I'll even write accounts of our adventures!", he squeals in delight.

Everyone looks at him with appalled expressions and some even gasp.

I simply shake my head while I try to control the smile that is slowly trying to creep up my face.

"You're outrageous, but maybe... just maybe, you can accompany me. I have conditions though, you have to remain silent at all time and speak only when you're spoken to. Don't annoy me or I'll have to show you my boxing skills." I chuckle at the though of boxing and a huge smile tugs at his face. The smile slowly turns into full on grinning.

During my rant, I don't pay heed to the people surrounding us but that stops when several of them gasp together.

I guess I earned myself a protégé.



I'm way too sleepy to write an author's note. Anyways, enjoy! Do tell me your thoughts about this chapter.

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Lots of love,

Hayley x

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