Chapter 4 She's My Wife

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Vanna's POV

I woke up to gentle shaking and the smell of food. Damn, I'm hungry. I opened my eyes and saw Ochobot waking me up.

"Hey, wake up Vanna. Breakfast is ready", he said gently.

"Yes, let me take a bath first", I said then got up and stretched.

"Sure, your clothes are in the closet. Just come down when you're done", he said, then he went downstairs.

I yawned and headed to the bathroom, taking the towel with me. I stripped of the clothes Ochobot gave me last night which consists of an oversized shirt and shorts, turned on the shower and stepped in. I then drifted to my own thoughts.

Last night was...eventful, to say the least. I got kidnapped, I lost my memory, I almost died of a missile, I got saved by a boy who seems so close to me (even though we just met) and now I'm staying at his house. Great.

I finished showering and found myself staring at the mirror, looking at my body. My breasts are just the right size, it proportions my body. I also got a very curvaceous form at such a young age. I am lucky.

I then saw a necklace on the table. It's a ruby amulet. It's so pretty but I didn't dare touch it, maybe it's not even mine. I found the clothes Ochobot gave me. When I saw it, my mouth gape open.

It's a red sleeveless dress with red flowers on the skirt that reached my knees partnered with a white waistcoat and red doll shoes with white stockings.

Wow it's beautiful. I put on a new set of underwear which Ochobot gave me then the clothes. I brushed my hair and braided it.

I went downstairs and I already saw Grandad eating and Ochobot watching TV, but no sign of Boboiboy.

"Good morning", I said to Ochobot and Grandad.

"Good morning Vanna", they simultaneously said.

I look left and right, trying to find the orange cap boy but to no avail. I squeaked when I felt a puff of air on my ear and arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked at my side to find devilish pair of eyes and a childish grin boring down at me. Looks like he found me first.

"Looking for me?", he said in that husky voice, like he just woke up.

"Ye...yeah, I was wondering if could tour me around town", I said, stuttering at some words. He's so close and it's making me nervous.

"Sure, why not?", he said, chuckling at my nervousness.

I felt him sniff me, particularly my hair and neck and I tensed up. He then let me go, greeted Grandad and Ochobot a 'good morning' and sat down to eat.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. Why does he have this effect on me? Do I like him or something?

I shook my head to clear the ridiculous thoughts, sat down and began to eat as well.

Boboiboy's POV (bet you didn't expect that 😄)

I can't believe I found her. Finally, after years of waiting and looking, I finally found her. It's a good thing Ochobot forced me to patrol at that time of night. If not, I wouldn't had found her and Adu Du and Probe might have hurt her or worse.

It's bad that they already erased her memory. I'm dissapointed that she forgot about us and the promise that we made but I'll make sure she remembers me again.

Ochobot and Grandad knew everything. After all they saw it happened. But right now, smelling her heavenly scent, seeing her eating the breakfast I made for her, with me is enough...for now.

Right now, I should focus on protecting her and making sure she won't get hurt. Cause I can't live with myself knowing she got hurt because I failed to protect her. Again.

She was mine before, but I let her go and that is the stupidest thing I had ever done. But now that I found her, I'll make sure she will be mine once again and I will make sure she stays mine.

Vanna's POV

We finally finished eating. The food tastes familiar, maybe it's my favorite or something. I'm about to burst in excitement and I literally dragged Boboiboy to the door and he just chuckled at my enthusiasm. He's about to open the door when someone knocked.

Boboiboy opened it anyway and we saw a girl wearing pink all over and she's hovering in mid air. She got that sweet smile on his face and I suddenly know I don't like her, NOT ONE BIT.

"Good morning Boboiboy", she said in that very SWEET voice that it made me cringe. Now I know for a fact that I don't like pink, especially girls who wear them.

Boboiboy's smile quickly turned into a frown and I could tell he was not happy to see her.

I learned from Ochobot last night when I asked him about Boboiboy's friends, that ever since about the incident, which he never explained to me, he became distant with them. I guess she's one of those friends.

"What do you want, Yaya?", he spoke her name with so much venom I almost shivered but I managed to calm down. He suddenly held my hand and gripped it tightly, knowing he needs to calm down and I'm the only one that can help.

"I'm here to....", 'Yaya' started but stopped when she noticed me.

"Who is she?", she asked in that demanding tone, which never suited her if I do say so myself.

Boboiboy smirked, like he knew something she don't. He then let go of hand, wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, making me blush again.

He then proudly stated it, making my blush turn even darker and Yaya stood shocked with her mouth gaping open.

"She's my wife".

Hey guys, been a while. Got some free time so I decided to update. Boboiboy might a bit strange to you all but he just matured (ever since the incident) so he's a bit different but he's still the same Boboiboy that we love, also he's 15. Also Yaya is the antagonist here but there's a good reason. Anyway enjoy and tell me what you think.


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