wonderful) great extrodinary

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(A.N) after homecoming btw

annE: shirbert is real guys

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annE: shirbert is real guys.

tagged: GilbertB

likes 200  comments 100

Gillisgirl: finally. sorry for holding yu back anne

annE: GillisGirl: dont worry u weren't

GilbertB: love you anne 😘

annE: Love you too 😚

queenofav: happy for you anne

Cartist: remember what i said anne "you know Gilbert has a crush on you"

Cartist: dBarry you also owe me 50 bucks. remember our bet about 4 months ago

dBarry: congratts anne.           yes Cartist i remeber i was hoping you forgot.    meet at starbucks.

Cartist: whhoooo yaaa

BoulderT: happy for you anne.

frenchboyJ: congrats anne

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