Josie vs mom

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josies pov: at night kids are in bed

i cant stand my mom.she has left us for 2 weeks instead of the one she told me. I can't do it.i can't. mom has completely abandoned us. I hear a slam on the door. I hear my mom yell. What in the world. This place is. Mess. There is toy are everywhere (no toys in sight). where is everyone. "Mom the kids are in bed. can we talk outside?"  i gently ask her. "No" she screams "you are the worst child to ever live. " "Mom?" is ask. "What!" she yells. "was there ever a time you were proud of me?" she looks strait at me and says "no there was never a moment i was proud of you now take the children and get out of the house." by then i had tears streaming down my face. i trudged upstairs and saw all my little brothers and adrian. we packed our clothes and our most favorite belonings and set out into the woods. in hope to find some sort of shelter.

(sorry about bad grammer i wanted to get a chapter out soon.)

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