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Alex released an irritated groan as she heard a loud knocking on her window, the girl reaching over to grab the second pillow on her bed and pulling it on top of her head—an effort to drown out the knocking.

The knocking only grew louder, Alex groaning again as she put the pillow back where it was, the girl lying on her back and facing the ceiling annoyedly.

Waiting a few minutes for the knocking to subside, Alex hesitated, the sounds of the incessant knocking only increasing.

Finally getting out of bed, Alex tiredly trudged over to the window.

She slightly narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms as Stiles Stilinski appeared in her view, the boy resting on a ladder just outside her window.

At the sight of her best friend, Alex opened it, allowing Stiles to enter. "Stiles, it's five in the morning."

A grin worked its way onto Stiles' face as he carefully climbed in her room. "Well, you know what they say, the early bird catches the worm."

"Stilinski, if you don't tell me in the span of three seconds what the hell you're doing in my room at five in the morning, this early bird is gonna catch and severely injure the worm." Alex impatiently responded, shooting Stiles a death glare as she spoke.

"Wow, I forgot how angry you are in the morning." Stiles widened his eyes slightly as he continued, the boy huffing a chuckle as he did so. "You are so not a morning person-"


"There's a dead body I want to investigate with you and Scott later!" Stiles hurriedly explained at Alex's exclamation.

Alex inhaled and exhaled a deep breath through her nose as she slowly responded. "And you couldn't tell me this at school, why?"

"Because-" Stiles cut himself off as he furrowed his eyebrows, the boy realising there truly was no point to his early visit. "Head start?"

"Oh my god." Alex irritatedly deadpanned. "Stiles, I was planning to sleep in."

"Right! Right, well, uh, goodnight." Stiles stumbled on his words as he headed back to the window, the boy getting on the ladder carefully.

"Stiles." Alex stopped him momentarily.

At Alex's voice, Stiles stopped to look at her.

VENOMOUS, teen wolf (1) REWRITING/EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now