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"Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one that bit you, then who did?" Stiles started quietly as he tapped his pencil on Scott's shoulder to catch his attention, Alex turning to glance at the two from her seat next to Stiles'

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"Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one that bit you, then who did?" Stiles started quietly as he tapped his pencil on Scott's shoulder to catch his attention, Alex turning to glance at the two from her seat next to Stiles'.

A momentary silence passed between the trio before Scott shrugged. "I don't know."

Stiles exasperatedly slumped back in his seat at the words, the boy turning to face Alex with raised eyebrows, his lips parting as he was about to speak.

Already knowing what Stiles was going to ask, Alex spoke up. "No, Stiles, I have no idea either."

Stiles released a frustrated groan as he glanced at Scott again, waiting a moment before sitting up once more and speaking up. "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know." Scott replied quietly.

Stiles, once again, slumped back in his chair, releasing an annoyed sigh as he did so.

A moment passed before his face lit up with an idea.

Thinking of another question, Stiles leaned over again. "Does Allison's dad know about the-"

"I don't know!" Scott impatiently yelled, cutting Stiles off mid-question as he quickly turned around, Stiles jolting back in his seat at the action.

Alex blew out a breath as she slightly shook her head, the girl meeting Stiles' gaze as the boy shrugged.

A moment passed as the teacher went around the classroom and handed students their tests back.

Alex smirked as the teacher placed her paper on the desk, the girl satisfied with her A.

"Lex, what did you get?" Stiles whispered as he slightly leaned closer to Alex, who met his curious gaze.

She held up her test, Stiles grinning at the result. "An A as usual, huh? I expect no less."

"Thanks, Sti." Alex smiled at the boy as she gestured to his test. "A?"

Stiles nodded, Alex's smile growing at the action. "Nice."

Stiles grinned as he held his hand out excitedly, Alex chuckling as the two high-fived, their fingers interlocking briefly as they gave each other gentle, congratulatory squeezes.

Scott sighed, catching their attention, the two releasing each other's hands as they turned to face him.

At Scott's D-, Alex inhaled a sharp, sympathetic breath through her teeth. "Sorry, Scotty, that sucks."

VENOMOUS, teen wolf (1) REWRITING/EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now