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As much as Alex hated going out and pretending to be nice for no reason, she reluctantly agreed to hang out with Lydia and, unfortunately for her, Jackson

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As much as Alex hated going out and pretending to be nice for no reason, she reluctantly agreed to hang out with Lydia and, unfortunately for her, Jackson.

Lydia had optimistically asked—more like desperately begged—Alex to come with her and her boyfriend so the two can make up and be friends, hoping they'd reconcile.

She hoped wrong.

Throughout the whole night, Jackson and Alex had been constantly bickering, Alex with her snide remarks, and Jackson with his dismissive scoffs.

Lydia was utterly fed up with it, although she didn't say anything, as she valued both her friendship with Alex and her relationship with Jackson too much to ruin either of them.

"Now, Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sports movie ever made." Jackson started as Lydia pulled up at the video store.

Alex snorted from the back seat, which earned her a cold glare from Jackson.

"No." Lydia replied simply, her gaze set ahead of her.

Jackson blinked as he glanced at Lydia. "It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper."

"No." Lydia dead-panned, stubbornly repeating her previous statement.

Alex let out a laugh at Jackson's expense.

"Lydia, I swear to god, you're gonna like it." Jackson persisted, ignoring Alex as he held his gaze on Lydia.

Refusing again, Lydia shook her head, keeping her eyes locked on the video store in front of her. "No."

"I am not watching The Notebook again." Jackson angrily raised his voice as he began to grow impatient.

"Calm down, asshole." Alex cut in, defending Lydia as she caught Jackson's attention.

Jackson shot Alex a glare as he gritted out through his teeth. "Alex, I swear to god I'm gonna-"

"What? You're gonna do what to me?" Alex cut him off abruptly, her eyebrows raising as she sat up.

Not bothering to start yet another argument with Alex, Jackson just shook his head, getting out of the car and slamming the door shut as he walked into the store.

A small, amused smirk tugged at the corners of Alex's lips as she watched him leave in an angry huff, the girl taking pleasure in Jackson's misfortune.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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