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"So you killed her." Stiles raised his eyebrows as him and his two best friends walked into the school, Stiles letting Alex in first.

"I don't know, I just woke up." Scott responded with a shrug, walking next to Alex, Stiles to the other side of the girl. "I was sweating like crazy, I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really? I have. Usually ends differently, though." Stiles raised his eyebrows, Alex hitting him on the shoulder as she sent him a disgusted glare.

"Ow!" Stiles yelped as he held a hand over his—now sore—arm, accompanying the action with a frown directed to Alex. "I forgot you have werewolf strength."

Shooting him a glare, Alex spoke up. "Say it louder, why don't you?"

Before the two could continue arguing, Scott interrupted them. As always.

"A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B, never give us that much detail about you in bed again." Scott frowned at Stiles.

"Maybe it's got something to do with you going out with Allison tomorrow." Alex suggested with a raise of her eyebrows, the girl changing the subject as she casted her gaze to Scott.

"Like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out?" Scott inquired with a small frown as he met her gaze.

"Yeah, maybe." Alex shrugged. "And if you do lose control, you'll probably rip more than her throat out..."

Scott's questioning gaze shifted into one of exasperation as he dead-panned. "Not helping."

"Sorry." Alex sucked in a breath through her teeth at the words.

She waited a moment before continuing. "If it helps, I had night terrors too."

"Really? About what?" Stiles frowned at Alex in question.

"Watching my parents get decapitated while I sat there being tortured by hunters." Alex casually replied as she blew out a breath.

Scott and Stiles widened their eyes as they blinked, the two trying to process her words.

Alex was lost in thought, remembering how most nights she suddenly awoke, gasping and sweating. She didn't tell them that they still happen—that the memory still haunts her.

Just then, Alex felt four arms wrap around her and realised both Scott and Stiles were hugging her.

"Guys." Alex rolled her eyes as she tried fighting back the smile that appeared on her face at their actions, the girl gently pushing them away from her as she did so.

VENOMOUS, teen wolf (1) REWRITING/EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now