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Scott tackled Jackson, the werewolf falling to his feet as Jackson pushed him to the ground roughly

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Scott tackled Jackson, the werewolf falling to his feet as Jackson pushed him to the ground roughly.

"You sure you still wanna be first line, McCall?" Jackson arrogantly smirked as he walked off, his words and actions greatly infuriating Scott.

Scott angrily glared at Jackson as he stood up, Coach approaching him and speaking up. "My grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead. You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

At Coach's patronising words, Scott just nodded once, the boy keeping his furious glare on Jackson as he responded simply. "Yes, Coach."

Alex caught Stiles' gaze from the bleachers at the action, the two growing concerned for Scott as they shared worried glances.

"I can't hear you." Coach replied condescendingly.

"Yes, Coach." Scott spoke louder, his werewolf eyes glowing as he spoke.

Coach raised his eyebrows. "Then do it again."

Scott ran back towards the field at Coach's words, Coach speaking up as he did so. "McCall's gonna do it again, McCall's gonna do it again!"

Coach blew the whistle, Scott immediately running towards Jackson and pushing him to the ground roughly.

Scott stopped for a moment as he couldn't control his urges, the boy stumbling to the ground and struggling to stay in human form as his canines shot out, his eyes shifting into a yellow-gold colour.

Alex widened her eyes as she witnessed the ordeal, the girl quickly running up to Scott as Stiles soon joined her.

"Scott." Alex started, her and Stiles sharing a quick glance as they turned Scott around so his face wasn't visible to the rest of the team, who went to help Jackson.

"Scott." Stiles repeated when Scott didn't respond.

"I can't control it, it's happening." Scott panically spoke as he heaved a few deep breaths.

Stiles widened his eyes. "What? Right here? Now?"

"It's what happens when you first turn, you can't control it. Anything could be a trigger." Alex spoke quietly as she glanced at Stiles, who caught her gaze. "We have to get him out of here."

Stiles nodded as he glanced at Scott again, both him and Alex helping him up and beginning to drag him away from the field. "Come on, get up. Go."

VENOMOUS, teen wolf (1) REWRITING/EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now