Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"What happened to you yesterday?" asked Mason when I entered the cafeteria for breakfast. I indicated to him to give me a minute as I headed for the guardian table where I had spotted Emil, obviously just come off a shift.

"Morning Emil" I said "or is it evening for you?" I joked.

"Morning Rose and yeah it does feel like evening to me" he joked back.

"I won't keep you but I've got my schedule you wanted" I said as I handed him a sheet with a timetable on it.

"Oh that's great thanks Rose" he said looking at it. "I will get my new rota tomorrow so I will see you after that to arrange another time."

"Thank you Emil, this is great, honestly, so whenever you are free and can spare some time will be fantastic" I said as I headed back to where Mason sat with Eddie.

"What was all that about?" asked Christian nosily as he arrived at the table with Lissa.

"What's all what about?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"You, with that guardian?" he shot back

"Yeah what did you give him Rose?" asked Lissa, thinking she was missing out on something.

"Well I'm going to answer Mason's question first" I said. "I went for a run yesterday, had a sparring session and then did some weight training" I said. "That guardian, is Emil who I was sparring with and he wanted to arrange some more training sessions so he asked for my schedule, which I just gave him. I think I answered everyone."

"Does he have a death wish?" said Christian.

"Yeah sparring with you is dangerous" said Eddie.

"No he doesn't have a death wish, actually he enjoyed it" I said and all their faces showed incredulity. "Honestly, he said I was the closest thing to a strigoi in strength, speed and stamina so it was insane not to take the time to practice and hone his skills sparring with me."

"How many strigoi has he faced?" asked Mason.

"I noticed four molnija marks while we were sparring" I said.

"So he would know then" said Eddie. "God I thought you were stronger than a strigoi" he added rubbing the back of his head again.

"No sorry to disappoint you" I said "but I'm not quite as strong as a battle raged Strigoi."

"Yet" came Emil's voice from behind me. "With more training you could be. It's just a shame you don't have someone for you to regularly train with."

"Do you really think so, Emil?" I asked.

"I felt you holding yourself back with me yesterday even though you were still sparring fiercely" he said "so you definitely have more in reserve, if it can be trained." I sat there and thought until Christian's voice broke through.

"Have you ever used your full strength sparring Rose?" he asked.

"Not since I broke Yuri's leg two years ago" I replied.

"Well Emil might be right" Mason added.

"Anyway I came over Rose to see if you wanted to spar just after lunch?" Emil Enquired. "I will have rested by then and I notice you are free."

"That would be fantastic, thanks Emil" I replied.

"Ok meet me in the guardians' gym at 1am" he said and headed off.

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