Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


My legs weren't the only thing that was racing as we ran up from the cellars towards wherever Dimitri was leading; my mind was too. He was going to kiss me. Dimitri was actually touching his lips to mine. Did he feel the same as me or was he caught up in the moment? I suppose I'll never know now. Damn attack alarm. I hope it's not a false alarm because I'll be severely hacked off if it is. It ruined a perfectly good moment between Dimitri and I. Pull yourself together Rose, I internally chastised myself. Get your mind away from your romantic endeavours and concentrate, this could be serious. Who knows how many strigoi are attacking? My attention shot back to where we were running and I noted we were heading for the Guardian's Gym.

"Dimitri" I shouted. He murmured that he had heard me. "What's the procedure here? I haven't been here long enough to have an attack drill." I heard him utter something in Russian, which I understood to be an expletive.

"I keep forgetting you are still a novice" he said while he continued to run. "When we spar it's like fighting a fully-fledged guardian." I took a moment to let that information sink in. He forgot I was a novice. He saw me as an equal and it made me smile.

"So what is the procedure?" I asked again.

"Senior novices are usually armed and placed within or just outside the bunkers protecting the Moroi and younger novices, along with some seasoned guardians."

"Where are the bunkers?" I asked but I sure as hell wasn't going to get stuck down there during this attack. I was as strong and as quick as a strigoi and I wasn't going to let my abilities go to waste, although the thought was more than a little frightening.

"Under the accommodation blocks and some under the classrooms" he said as he opened the door to the gym.

The place was a riot of activity. There were guardians milling about changing into battle gear and senior novices in one corner near the door to the supply closet which also had the locked door to the armoury. As novices were armed with stakes they left with a guardian already aware of where they were assigned. I scanned the room and my eyes caught sight of Alberta and next to her were Lydia; and Roman obviously back from whatever research he was doing. I tapped Dimitri to get his attention to indicate where I had seen the group and we made our way over.

"Ah the dynamic duo" said Roman. "I wondered where you two were. You usually live in here" he added trying to place a little humour into it but you could still hear the strain.

"Roman nice to see you but what's going on?" Dimitri asked getting down to business. "Has this something to do with your research trip?"

"It has everything to do with it I'm afraid" Roman stated.

"How bad is it? Dimitri questioned.

"Bad enough but we have time" Roman said. "It's not dark for another hour. I high-tailed it back here when I knew their target."

"Have you been tracking a specific group then?" I asked.

"I suppose I can tell you now as we are about to face them" he answered. "Do you remember Lana had to leave for personal reasons?" We all nodded in response. "Well her Uncle had been attacked and turned by a group of strigoi. She wasn't allowed to say anything because Court had forbidden it."

"Why?" Dimitri enquired.

"Apparently he had been asked by the Royal Council to discreetly investigate strigoi numbers" Roman answered and his nostrils flared.

"What?" shot Lydia. "A non-royal moroi with no guardian protection being asked to look into strigoi movements?" You could hear the disgust in her voice.

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