Chapter 6

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A/N  Hi there my little cyber bookworms.  Sorry for the long absence due to a number of things, all of them annoyingly urgent.  However, I'm back now and barring any major problems or responsibilities I should be back to publishing a chapter a week.  So here is the next chapter for you.  Thanks for sticking in there with me.  Enjoy.

Chapter 6


"Excuse me Miss. Can I get you another drink?"

"Oh, no thank you" I said kindly to the air hostess, who after twelve hours in the air still looked like she could take on the world. I don't know how they do it for a living. Day-in, day-out serving nervous, tired and sometimes belligerent passengers. This is my first ever flight and I was already bored, tired and sweaty, and we still had several hours to go. I was also apprehensive because I didn't know what was waiting for me at the end of the journey. Alberta just asked me to trust her and she has given me no reason to doubt her over the years so why start now?


"Ah come in Rose!" Alberta said. I was worried she was going to give me more bad news as if being thrown out of the school wasn't bad enough, however, when I looked at her closely I could see a smile on her face. Maybe not bad news then. "Don't worry come and sit down" she said kindly.

"I doubt this is a meeting to tell me the governors have changed their minds" I said with a slight hiccough of a laugh.

"No I'm afraid not" she said and I nodded glumly at her. "But it's not all bad" she continued. "I may have a solution." This made me sit up straighter with interest.

"Do you trust me Rose?" Alberta asked.

"What kind of question is that?" I answered confused.

"A very important one, Rose" she replied. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes I do. I don't trust a lot of people but you have never lied or hurt me so yes I trust you" I said.

"Good. What if I told you I had found you a place to go but it would mean you would have to get on a plane with no questions asked and you couldn't tell anyone where you were going? Would you do it?" She looked me straight in the eye so I could see she was serious.

What the hell! Alberta was asking me if I would blindly get onto a plane without knowing where I was going and who or what was at the other end. I wouldn't be able to tell Eddie, Mason or Lissa, where I was going or what I was doing. I would be alone, but then again I was already alone. I had been removed from classes and in days will be ordered off campus. My room was already packed. What did I have to lose in doing what Alberta asked?

"You aren't sending me to a commune on the other side of the world are you?" I asked nervously.

"No, I'm not sending you to a commune. What do you take me for Rose?" she said a little hurt.

"I'm sorry Alberta it's just I'm worried about leaving the only place I know and you are asking me to cut all ties too."

"I know but believe me I'm not sending you to a commune but I can't tell you any more than that" she said to me. "So you need to make a decision, do you trust me enough to take my word that you will be safe if you follow my proposal."

My mind was working overtime. I was trying to weight up my options which, on the grand scheme of things, were not very numerous. Ok the 'cons' of choosing Alberta's offer were: one - I was leaving my friends behind. Wouldn't I be leaving them behind in two days anyway? Two – I didn't know where I was going. Again, in two days I would still be in the same boat without another option. Three – no one would know me and I wouldn't know them. Actually that could be a statement for the 'pro' column. No funny comments about being a freak, no frightening stares and no Jesses Zeklos causing problems.

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