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That's all Bill seemed to do lately was disappear. He would go to these meetings all of the time. Dipper could not understand what for.

That is all he was doing. Leaving and disappearing. What was a small sapling like Dipper supposed to do.

That is all Dipper seemed to think when he saw Bill coming through the door angry. Bill had not touched Dipper since that day. Bill was almost afraid to. He felt like Dipper was a glass vase and one touch would break him. Dipper had noticed and realized Bill wouldn't hurt him again.

The hardest thing to do. Even when Dipper truly forgave the demon. He won't forgive himself. Causing him to leave and disappear more often out of fear...

The door opened and bill walked in and his gaze soften into guilt when he sees me. I was sitting on the sofa on my stomach since my back was still slightly sore and read a book hiding the journal of the unknown author.

He had just read a passage of another day where I presume is here.

Another day in what I now consider my home. I know I will never see my family again. But something weird is going on with cipher. I had something added to my room but cipher sealed the door covering it in wallpaper. I now sleep in his room. I think.... He likes me? But something is off about my room. Something i think cipher is hiding from me.

Dipper jumped out of his thoughts when he saw Bill making dinner. Regret was filling his posture and Dipper decided to talk to him. He stood and walked to Bill hugging him from behind. Bill stiffened. What was going on with this demon! Bill turned around.

"Pinetree you should be laying down...." he whispered. Dipper smiled kindly at the demon kissing him. The demon kissed him back but soon pulled away.

"Bill I forgive you." I say agitated. I just wanted him back I his flirtatious self.

"how... I hurt you." as he spoke he finished healing but the scars would be left there.

"I hurt you to. Your trust and what ever that room was for it had emotional meaning to you and you didn't want me in there. I shouldn't have." I said caressing his cheek.

"it does have emotional meaning. But that does not mean I get to hurt you. I hurt you to much even in the last li-" he cut himself off and shook his head.
Dippers eyebrows furrowed.

"what bill? What were you going to say." he asked. Bill kissed him and dipper kissed back moaning slightly. The kiss deepened and Bill squeezed his butt slightly causing dipper to gasp allowing bill to slip in his tongue. The rough and deep kiss caused tingles down to his groin. Dipper moaned as Bill's kiss moved to his neck as bill picked up Dipper by the butt and carried him to their room and gently placed him on the bed and continued kissing.
Dipper pushed Bill back.

"Bill! We need to talk do not distract me." Dipper whined. Bill crawled back on top of Dipper kissing him.

"What do you want to know?" Bill asked and continued kissing down Dippers neck and takes of his shirt. Dipper moaned.

"I-I w-an-ted to k-know..." he gasped as Bill kissed down his chest lower and lower and lower...

"ahhh." dipper couldn't control himself and he got closer to his lower areas and he tangled his hands in Bill's blonde and brown hair.

"B-bill..." he moaned. Bill smirked and removed his own shirt. Dipper looked at his chest blushing.
Bill kissed the rim of his pine trees underwear.

"yes pinetree?" Bill teased. Dipper came back to his senses. He was gasping for air.

"why was there a picture of me with an engagement ring in that room?" he finally got out feeling Bills kissing freeze. The moment was over. Bill growled in pain. He stood up and got his suit back on with a snap and walked over to the door.

"i have a meeting..." he muttered ignoring the question. After Bill left Dipper laid there in shock.
What just happened?

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