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"What is this place?" Graves asked

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"What is this place?" Graves asked.

They were in a tenement in the Bronx. It was the middle of the night and there were no people out. The building was miserable and dilapidated.

"Ma adopted Modesty out of here from a family of twelve. She still misses her brothers and sisters. She still talks about them," Credence explained.

Graves, wand in his hand, looked around the landing. There were numerous darkened doorways that stretched out in several directions.

"Where is she?" asked Graves.

Credence looked down. "I don't know."

Graves was impatient with Credence. He was so close to his goal, yet so far. He marched forward into one of the rooms.

"You're a Squib, Credence. I could smell it on you the minute I met you," Graves said contemptuously.

Credence looked up sadly. "What?"

Graves marched back along the corridor to try another room. "You have magical ancestry, but no power," Graves said with a scoff.

"But you said that you could teach me," Credence answered.

"You're unteachable. Your mother's dead - your real and fake mother. That's your reward. I'm done with you."

After Graves left to another room, Credence formed his hands into fists. He was breathing heavily and quickly. Graves walked back, holding his wand with Modesty cowering by his side.

"Don't touch her!" Credence screamed, the walls crumbling around them.

Graves realized he made a mistake. "Credence, I owe you an apology."

"I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. That you were different."

His face began to contort.

"You can control it, Credence."

"But I don't think I want to, Mr. Graves," he whispered.

The Obscurus moved beneath Credence's skin. An awful inhuman growl came out of his mouth, where something dark began to bloom.

It finally took over Credence, his whole body exploding into a dark mass that hurtled forward out the window, narrowly missing Graves.

Graves stood watching as the Obscurus zoomed out and over the city.

It churns and twisted through the city, wreaking havoc. Cars were sent flying, pavements exploded, and buildings were demolished - the Obscurus left only destruction in its wake.

ASH AND DUST. ❪ Newt Scamander ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now