Chapter One

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Author's note: This is one of the first books that I have written so please disregard any grammatical errors. Hope you enjoy!

I was dreading this moment when I would have to come home. I have to give my mom my report card. I’m not gonna lie, my grades are pretty terrible which is why I had been avoiding the idea of handing it to her in the first place. Unfortunately for me, my school makes mandatory calls to parents when students grades are below a certain average. I knew my mom was going to kill me.

My mom had never been the best of mom's. Always out all night, whether it be on dates or getting drunk at a bar. I mean hell she was probably off doing some illegal drugs right now. After my dad left us it was always like this.

He left when I was in 8th grade. I came home one day to my mom crying on the couch and most of my dad's stuff gone. I knew that they had been fighting for quite some time, but I didn't think that he would be a dick like that and just leave. He left vacant memories behind. Occasionally my mom would clean the house and find a piece of paper that he wrote or one of his hair brushes. It was never a pretty sight to see when my mom found one of his items.

However grades were always a must in the house. Basically if you had below an A average in the class then you weren't good enough. Throughout all of my school years so far I have been good at keeping them up but I don't want to anymore. I could care less about my grades and what my mom thinks. I know that grades won't get you everywhere in life.

The sound of the last bell rings snapping me out of my own thoughts as I tread out of English class. I will do basically whatever it takes not to get home today. I secretly hope that one of the buses will accidentally run me over or that I will get detention for me breaking the dress code today. However none of that happens. Instead, I find that I have no distractions for me to use to get home later. My friends have already left because they are all in band and on a trip right now. No teacher's seem to care anymore about what I am wearing. I guess they gave up on that when I gave up on my grades.

I find my car in the parking lot and sigh. I guess there is no other point in trying to drag this out. The bad grades have already been done and I am sure my mom has already gotten a call from my school. My best bet is that she is sitting at home drowning herself in beer and trying to figure out what she is gonna do with her horrible daughter.

While at a red light my phone buzzes in my pocket. A smile perks up on my face as I see it's one of my friends Grace. The text reads;

“Good luck with your demon mother today! Text me later of how bad the punishment is.”Of course she would say that. Grace was the support friend that everyone needs in their life. No matter what problem I had she always had a solution. Sometimes those solution may be wild but she was never wrong.

Pulling up into my driveway I see my mom's car is already parked outside. This is rare for her because normally she has already gone out and started drinking. That's how I knew that this fight was going to be a bad one.

When I walked in the house was dead silent except for the low rumble of the washer in the background. There my mom is sitting on the couch with deadlocked eyes at me and a suitcase.

“Sophie can I please have a talk with you?” My mother glares.

“I got a call from the school today.” My mom says.

I gulp and nod knowingly.

“You know I’m sick and tired of you not caring for things after everything I have done for you.”I scoff at the remark, but she doesn't notice. She stands up grabbing the suitcase and starts walking closer.

“ I think it's times that you leave. Move out. Whatever you have to do, but I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect and ungratefulness in my household.” She says with a straight face.

My jaw drops. “ You can’t be serious mom. You can't just kick me out of the house! I’m only seventeen.”

“Exactly! A seventeen year old should not be aloud to act this way. If you don’t want to get the good grades and work for the respect that I don't want you in my house anymore. You have three days to leave.”

With that statement she sets down the suitcase next to me and walks away and into her room.


Immediately I call Grace. I'm freaking out because I never thought my mom would actually kick me out of the house. She answers almost instantaneously just like always.

“So how's the demon of the household?” she says.

“She kicked me out of the house.” I reply

“Wait...really? I mean I knew that she was a shitty mom but I didn't know she was that bad.”

“Yes really. She says that I have three days to pack my stuff up and leave the house. I don't know what to do. I have no money, no job, and I'm failing school!” I exclaim

“ You know that if my parents weren't strict I would let you stay here but they wouldn't allow it. Luckily, you have me who can solve any problem. Give me an hour to think and I'll text you when I have an idea.” She responds

“Thank you Grace. I don't know what I would do without you. Talk to you later, love you.” I sigh.

“Love you too sister”

With that the call ends.

Author's note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I promise you it will get more interesting as the chapters progress. I will try to post at least one chapter every other day or everyday, it really just depends on how much homework I have for that day.  Please keep on reading, I promise you will enjoy it.

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