Chapter 4

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So sorry it took this long to update this story. I had an awful cold, and then exam week, and THEN I got a root canal. Not a fun two weeks, but now I'm feeling better, so here ya go.

Lance sat on the kitchen floor, arms wrapped around his legs and head on his knees. His cheeks had streaks from crying and his eyes were red and puffy, but at least his eyes had already dried.
Pushing himself up off of the ground, he could hear broken glass fall off of his clothes and hit the floor.
Lotor had thrown Lance's favourite glass to the floor, not even an hour before, a tall glass with a seashell design on it. He had been angry about something, Lance barely remembered what it had been exactly, probably something about how busy Lance had been the last week. Even with Lance's explanations, he hadn't calmed down. Lotor had then stormed out, slamming the door and leaving Lance alone with the mess.
Lance sure felt like a mess. He couldn't even keep his boyfriend happy, Lotor probably wouldn't have to freak out and get angry if he was dating someone who was better at everything.
Moving to grab the broom and dustpan, Lance noticed the blood running down his hand, dripping to the floor. As soon as he noticed his cut palm, his brain registered the pain. It wasn't comfortable but definitely not awful, meaning it probably hadn't done any real damage. He must've cut it standing up. But, of course, today had to be the day that Lance realized that he was out of band-aids.
Lance washed the blood off of his hand, but it still seemed to be bleeding, so he used a tissue and some tape as an impromptu band-aid. He'd have to buy band-aids sometime, though, so he decided he might as well get them now, to replace his slightly uncomfortable homemade one.
He walked to the closest drugstore, luckily just around the corner, and grabbed the first package of band-aids he saw. He also decided to grab himself a bottle of lemonade at the counter.
As he turned around to leave, he bumped into a solid chest, falling back and releasing a quiet 'ow' at having supported himself with his injured hand.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Are you alright?" asked a concerned voice.
"Fine," he replied.
"Here, let me help you up."
Lance held out his uninjured hand, accepting the help. When he finally brought his attention to the man he'd bumped into, he was surprised to find a young man, probably a few years older than him, with dark hair and beautiful gray eyes. Eyes that were framed wonderfully by perfectly applied eyeliner. He looked familiar, but Lance couldn't tell where he'd seen him before. He was probably a customer.
"Thanks." Lance whispered, suddenly embarrassed that he had bumped into someone so large. How had he not seen him? That was like not seeing Hunk.
He slipped past Mr. Eyeliner, walking out of the store. He really wanted to shower and clean the glass on his kitchen floor, and then curl up on his bed and sleep. So that's exactly what he did.

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